4D v16.3Scaling a form |
4D v16.3
Scaling a form
Scaling a form
Using the "Form scaling" dialog box, you can rescale form objects so that they look good when a database is transported to another platform. Form objects created under Mac OS will look smaller when viewed under Windows, and vice versa — even though the objects are actually the same size. This is because the Windows screen resolution is about 25% greater than the Macintosh resolution. For instance, 12-point text on a Macintosh will appear as 9-point text under Windows. If the font size is just large enough under Mac OS, it may be too small under Windows. Conversely, if a font size under Windows is adequate, it may be too large under Mac OS. To compensate for screen resolution differences, you need to rescale objects. With the Form Scaling item in the Form menu you can proportionally resize all the form objects in one operation. You can choose among the following options:
Product: 4D
4D Design Reference ( 4D v16) |