The OBJECT SET CORNER RADIUS command modifies the radius of corners for the rounded rectangle object(s) whose name(s) you passed in the object parameter. The new radius is only set for the process and is not saved in the form itself.
Passing the optional * parameter indicates that the object parameter is an object name (string). If you do not pass this parameter, it indicates that the object parameter is a field or variable. In this case, you pass a field or variable reference instead of a string (field or variable object only).
Note: In the current version of 4D, this command only applies to rounded rectangles (which are static objects). As a result, only the syntax based on the object name (using the * parameter) is supported.
In the radius parameter, you pass a new radius value in pixels to be applied to the corners of the object. By default, this value is 5 pixels.
Note: You can also modify this value at the form level using the Property list (see Corner radius (rectangles)).
You have the following rectangles in your form, named respectively "Rect1" and "Rect2":

You can execute the following code to change their corners: