4D v16



4D v16



SVG_Define_symbol ( parentSVGObject ; id {; x {; y {; width {; height {; mode}}}}} ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
parentSVGObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of parent element
id  String in Name of symbol
Longint in X position of viewbox
Longint in Y position of viewbox
width  Longint in Width of viewbox
height  Longint in Height of viewbox
mode  String in Adjustment to viewbox
Function result  SVG_Ref in Reference of symbol

The SVG_Define_symbol command creates a symbol in the SVG container designated by parentSVGObject and returns its reference. If parentSVGObject is not an SVG document, an error is generated.

A symbol object is used to specify graphic objects that may be instantiated using the SVG_Use command.

The id parameter specifies the name of the symbol.

The optional x, y, width and height parameters specify the viewbox rectangle ('viewBox' attribute).

The optional mode parameter can be used to indicate if the graphic must be fitted, and how so, to the size of the viewbox. For more information about this point, please refer to the description of the SVG_New command.


Refer to the description of the SVG_Use command.

See also 



Product: 4D
Theme: Structure and Definitions
Number: 65983


Created: Composant 4D SVG v11.3


4D SVG Component ( 4D v16)