4D v16.3

Find window


4D v16.3
Find window

Find window 


Find window ( left ; top {; windowPart} ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
left  Longint in Global left coordinate
top  Longint in Global top coordinate
windowPart  Longint in 3 if window is "touched", 0 otherwise
Function result  WinRef in Window reference number

The Find window command returns (if any) the reference number of the first window “touched” by the point whose coordinates passed in left and top.

The coordinates must be expressed relative to the top left corner of the contents area of the application window (Windows) or to the main screen (Macintosh).

The windowPart parameter returns 3 if the window is touched, and 0 otherwise. (Compatibility note: Starting with 4D v14, the constants of the Find Window theme are obsolete).

See also 

Frontmost window
Next window


Product: 4D
Theme: Windows
Number: 449

This command has platform-specific behavior


Created: 4D v6
Modified: 4D v14


4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)