4D v16.3

4D Environment


4D v16.3
4D Environment

4D Environment 


Constant  Type Value Comment
_o_4D Interpreted desktop  Longint 2  
_o_Extras folder  Longint 2 Folder with customized contents downloaded to each client machine.

Compatibility Note: Beginning with version 11.2 of 4D v11 SQL, it is no longer advisable to use the Extras folder for customized communication between the server and remote machines. It is now recommended to use the Resources folder for this purpose (see the description of the current Resources folder below). The Extras folder is nevertheless still supported by 4D Server so as to maintain the compatibility of existing applications.

Note: If the Extras folder does not exist for the database, executing the Get 4D folder command with the Extras folder constant will create it.

_o_Full Version  Longint 0  
4D Client database folder  Longint 3  
4D Desktop  Longint 3  
4D Local mode  Longint 0  
4D Remote mode  Longint 4  
4D Server  Longint 5  
4D Volume desktop  Longint 1  
64 bit version  Longint 1  
Active 4D Folder  Longint 0  
Backup configuration file  Longint 1 Backup.xml file, stored in Preferences/Backup folder next to database structure file.
Current localization  Longint 1 Current language of the application: default language or language set via the SET DATABASE LOCALIZATION command.
Current resources folder  Longint 6  
Data folder  Longint 9  
Database folder  Longint 4  
Database folder Unix syntax  Longint 5  
Default localization  Longint 0 Language set automatically by 4D on startup according to the Resources folder and the system environment (not modifiable).
Demo version  Longint 0  
Full method text  Longint 1  
Highlighted method text  Longint 2  
HTML Root folder  Longint 8  
Internal 4D localization  Longint 3 Language used by 4D for sorts and text comparisons (set in the Preferences of the application).
Last backup file  Longint 2 Last backup file, named <databaseName>[bkpNum].4BK, stored at a custom location.
Licenses folder  Longint 1  
Logs folder  Longint 7  
Merged application  Longint 2 Version is an application merged with 4D Volume Desktop
Structure settings  Longint 0 Access to "Structure settings" (default value if parameter omitted). In this mode, values used for selector are identical to those in standard mode.
User settings  Longint 1 Access to "User settings". In this mode, only certain keys can be used in the selector parameter
User settings file  Longint 3 settings.4DSettings file for all data files, stored in Preferences folder next to database structure file if enabled.
User settings file for data  Longint 4 settings.4DSettings file for current data file, stored in Preferences folder next to the data file.
User settings for data  Longint 2 Access to "User settings for data file", that is, user settings stored at the same level as the data file. In this mode, only certain keys can be used with the selector parameter (same subset as the User settings)
User system localization  Longint 2 Language set by the current user of the system.

See also 

Application type
Get 4D file
Get 4D folder
Get database localization
Version type


Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes



4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)