4D v16.3

Design Object Access


4D v16.3
Design Object Access

Design Object Access 


Constant  Type Value Comment
Attribute executed on server  Longint 8 Corresponds to the "Execute on server" option
Attribute folder name  Longint 1024 Name of folder for the method ("folder" attribute). When you pass this constant, you must pass a folder name in attribValue:
  • if this name corresponds to a valid folder, the method is placed in this parent folder,
  • if the folder does not exist, the command does not change anything at the parent folder level,
  • if you pass an empty string, the method is placed at the root level.
Attribute invisible  Longint 1 Corresponds to the "Invisible" option
Attribute published SOAP  Longint 3 Corresponds to the "Offered as a Web Service" option
Attribute published SQL  Longint 7 Corresponds to the "Available through SQL" option
Attribute published Web  Longint 2 Corresponds to the "Available through 4D HTML tags and URLs (4DACTION...)" option
Attribute published WSDL  Longint 4 Corresponds to the "Published in WSDL" option
Attribute shared  Longint 5 Corresponds to the "Shared by components and host database" option
Code with tokens  Longint 1 Include tokens in exported code
On object locked abort  Longint 0 Loading of object is aborted (default functioning)
On object locked confirm  Longint 2 4D displays a dialog box so that you can choose to try again or to abort. In remote mode, this option is not supported (loading is aborted)
On object locked retry  Longint 1 4D keeps attempting to load the object until it has been released
Path all objects  Longint 31 Paths of all the methods of the database
Path database method  Longint 2 Path of database methods specified (English name). List of these methods:
Path project form  Longint 4 Path of project form methods and all their object methods. Examples:
Path project method  Longint 1 Name of method.
Example: MyProjectMethod
Path table form  Longint 16 Path of table form methods and all their object methods. Example:
Path trigger  Longint 8 Path of database triggers. Example:

See also 

METHOD Get attribute
METHOD Get path


Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes



4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)