4D v16.3

Font Type List


4D v16.3
Font Type List

Font Type List 


Constant  Type Value Comment
Favorite fonts  Longint 1 fonts contains the list of favorite fonts.
- Under Windows: list of active font family names.
- Under OS X: list of font family names found in the control panel, entitled "Favorites" in English, "Favoris" in French, "Favoriten" in German, and so on . This collection may be blank if the user has not added any favorite fonts.
Recent fonts  Longint 2 fonts contains the list of recent fonts (the ones used during the 4D session). This list is used in particular by multi-style text areas.
System fonts  Longint 0 fonts contains the list of all the system fonts. Default option when listType is omitted.

See also 



Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes



4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)