4D v16.34D Write Pro |
4D v16.3
4D Write Pro
Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
wk 4wp | Longint | 4 | The 4D Write Pro document is saved in a native archive format (zipped HTML and images saved in a separate folder). 4D specific tags are included and 4D expressions are not computed. This format is particularly suitable for saving and archiving 4D Write Pro documents on disk without any loss. |
wk armenian | Longint | 19 | Traditional Armenian numbering style used (value for wk list style type) |
wk author | String | author | Used with: Documents Default value: none Possible values: Custom string |
wk auto | Longint | 0 | Value of property (constant) to which it is applied is adjusted automatically according to content or context of the element. |
wk background clip | String | backgroundClip | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk border box Possible values: wk border box / wk content box / wk padding box |
wk background color | String | backgroundColor | Used with: Characters, Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk transparent Description: Background document is white by default(2) |
wk background image | String | backgroundImage | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: none Description: Image(3) |
wk background origin | String | backgroundOrigin | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk padding box Possible values: wk border box / wk content box / wk padding box |
wk background position h | String | backgroundPositionH | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk left Possible values: wk center / wk left / wk right |
wk background position v | String | backgroundPositionV | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk top Possible values: wk bottom / wk middle / wk top |
wk background repeat | String | backgroundRepeat | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk repeat Possible values: wk no repeat / wk repeat / wk repeat x / wk repeat y |
wk background size h | String | backgroundSizeH | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk auto Possible values: wk contain* / wk cover* / wk auto or Size(1) *This value also affects wk background size v and modifies its value (CSS constraint). |
wk background size v | String | backgroundSizeV | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk auto Possible values: wk contain* / wk cover* / wk auto or Size(1) *This value also affects wk background size h and modifies its value (CSS constraint). |
wk bar | Longint | 4 | Inserts a vertical bar at tab position (value for wk tab stop types) |
wk baseline | Longint | 4 | Aligns baseline of element with baseline of parent element (value for wk vertical align) |
wk border box | Longint | 0 | Background is clipped to the border box (value for wk background clip) |
wk border color | String | borderColor | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: black Description: If there are multiple colors, WP GET ATTRIBUTES returns an empty string(2) |
wk border color bottom | String | borderColorBottom | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: black Description: Color(2) |
wk border color left | String | borderColorLeft | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: black Description: Color(2) |
wk border color right | String | borderColorRight | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: black Description: Color(2) |
wk border color top | String | borderColorTop | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: black Description: Color(2) |
wk border radius | String | borderRadius | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Integer(1), Radius in user unit |
wk border style | String | borderStyle | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Possible values: wk none / wk hidden / wk solid / wk dotted / wk dashed / wk double / wk groove / wk ridge / wk inset |
wk border style bottom | String | borderStyleBottom | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Possible values: wk none / wk hidden / wk solid / wk dotted / wk dashed / wk double / wk groove / wk ridge / wk inset |
wk border style left | String | borderStyleLeft | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Possible values: wk none / wk hidden / wk solid / wk dotted / wk dashed / wk double / wk groove / wk ridge / wk inset |
wk border style right | String | borderStyleRight | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Possible values: wk none / wk hidden / wk solid / wk dotted / wk dashed / wk double / wk groove / wk ridge / wk inset |
wk border style top | String | borderStyleTop | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Possible values: wk none / wk hidden / wk solid / wk dotted / wk dashed / wk double / wk groove / wk ridge / wk inset |
wk border width | String | borderWidth | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: 2pt Description: Integer(1) |
wk border width bottom | String | borderWidthBottom | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: 2pt Description: Integer(1) |
wk border width left | String | borderWidthLeft | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: 2pt Description: Integer(1) |
wk border width right | String | borderWidthRight | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: 2pt Description: Integer(1) |
wk border width top | String | borderWidthTop | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: 2pt Description: Integer(1) |
wk bottom | Longint | 1 | Sets position of background image (value for wk background position v) or bottom of element aligned with lowest element on line (value for wk vertical align) |
wk capitalize | Longint | 1 | Transforms first character of every word to uppercase (value for wk text transform) |
wk center | Longint | 2 | Centers text or image (value for wk background position h, wk text align, and/or wk tab stop types) |
wk circle | Longint | 11 | Circle-shaped glyph used (value for wk list style type) |
wk cjk ideographic | Longint | 24 | Plain ideographic numbers used (value for wk list style type) |
wk club | Longint | 27 | Club-shaped glyph used (value for wk list style type) |
wk company | String | company | Used with: Documents Default value: none Description: String |
wk contain | Longint | -1 | Scales image to largest size such that its width and height fits inside content area (value for wk background size h and/or wk background size v) |
wk content box | Longint | 2 | Background clipped to content box (value for wk background clip) or background image starts from upper left corner of content (value for wk background origin) |
wk cover | Longint | -2 | Scales background image to largest size so that background area is completely covered by it (value for wk background size h and/or wk background size v) |
wk custom | Longint | 29 | Custom marker used (value for wk list style type) |
wk dashed | Longint | 3 | Dashed line used (value for wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) |
wk date creation | String | dateCreation | Used with: Documents Default value: none Description: Date *Value (dateCreation) is read-only and cannot be set |
wk date modified | String | dateModified | Used with: Documents Default value: none Description: Date |
wk decimal | Longint | 3 | Decimal alignment (value for wk tab stop types) or numbers used (value for wk list style type) |
wk decimal greek | Longint | 28 | Greek numerals used (value for wk list style type) |
wk decimal leading zero | Longint | 13 | Decimal numbers padded with initial zeros used (value for wk list style type) |
wk default | Longint | -1 | Default value of property (constant) is used. |
wk diamond | Longint | 26 | Diamond-shaped glyph used (value for wk list style type) |
wk direction | String | direction | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: wk left to right Possible values: wk left to right / wk right to left |
wk disc | Longint | 10 | Filled circle marker used (value for wk list style type) |
wk dotted | Longint | 2 | Dotted line or border used (value for wk border style, wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) |
wk double | Longint | 4 | Double line or border used (value for wk border style, wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) |
wk dpi | String | dpi | Used with: Documents Default value: none Description: Integer, min: 72 - max: 1440 |
wk end text | Longint | 0 | Sets end of document as end of text range |
wk false | Longint | 0 | |
wk font | String | font | Used with: Characters Default value: Times Description: Complete font name in string as given by the FONT STYLE LIST command. If the system does not recognize the font, it handles the substitution. If WP SET ATTRIBUTES does not recognize the font, it does nothing. |
wk font bold | String | fontBold | Used with: Characters Default value: wk false Description: Abstract property which depends on the thickness of wk font. wk true if wk font has a font style whose weight is bold; wk false otherwise |
wk font family | String | fontFamily | Used with: Characters Default value: Times Description: Font family as defined by wk font. Abstract property which modifies wk font. |
wk font italic | String | fontItalic | Used with: Characters Default value: wk false Description: Abstract property which depends on the style of wk font. Value is wk true if wk font has a font style which is italic or oblique; wk false otherwise. |
wk font size | String | fontSize | Used with: Characters Default value: 12 Description: Size(1), only in points |
wk georgian | Longint | 20 | Traditional Georgian numbering used (value for wk list style type) |
wk groove | Longint | 6 | 3D grooved border used (value for wk border style) |
wk hebrew | Longint | 21 | Traditional Hebrew numbering used (value for wk list style type) |
wk height | String | height | Used with: Pictures Default value: 0 Description: Size(1) or wk auto. Always automatic for document element (wk auto); the view handles the height. |
wk hidden | Longint | 5 | No border used. Same as none (no border) except it takes precedence over all other conflicting borders (value for wk border style) |
wk hiragana | Longint | 22 | Traditional Hiragana numbering used (value for wk list style type) |
wk hollow square | Longint | 25 | Hollow square glyph used (value for wk list style type) |
wk html debug | Longint | 1 | Formatted HTML code ("pretty print"), easier to debug |
wk image | String | image | Used with: Pictures Default value: none Description: URL of image |
wk image alternative text | String | imageAltText | Used with: Pictures Default value: none Description: HTML alternative text |
wk inset | Longint | 8 | 3D inset border used (value for wk border style) |
wk inside | String | Inside | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: none Description: For multi-paragraph ranges. To be added to a border, padding, or margin attribute to affect only the corresponding inter-paragraph property (not outside). |
wk justify | Longint | 5 | Available for 4D Write Pro areas only |
wk katakana | Longint | 23 | Traditional Katakana numbering used (value for wk list style type) |
wk layout unit | String | userUnit | Used with: Documents Default value: wk unit cm Possible values: wk unit cm / wk unit pt / wk unit px / wk unit percent (only for line height and background size (h+v)) / wk unit mm / wk unit inch |
wk left | Longint | 0 | Aligns text or tab to the left (value for wk text align or wk tab stop types) or sets starting position of background image (value for wk background position h) |
wk left to right | Longint | 0 | Left-to-right text/writing direction used (value for wk direction) |
wk line height | String | lineHeight | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: wk normal Description: Size(1) |
wk linethrough | Longint | 2 | |
wk list auto | Longint | 2147483647 | Restores/applies automatic list style values |
wk list font | String | listFont | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: Times Description: Font name in string |
wk list font family | String | listFontFamily | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: Times Description: Abstract property which depends on style of wk list font in string. |
wk list start number | String | listStartNumber | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: wk auto Possible values: wk auto or an integer |
wk list string format LTR | String | listStringFormatLtr | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: # or string Description: Bullet list direction if left-to-right (LTR) direction |
wk list string format RTL | String | listStringFormatRtl | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: # or string Description: Bullet list direction if right-to-left (RTL) direction |
wk list style image | String | listStyleImage | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: wk none Description: Image(3) |
wk list style image height | String | listStyleImageHeight | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: default Description: Size(1) |
wk list style type | String | listStyleType | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: wk disc Description: wk disc / wk circle / wk square / wk decimal(1 2 3) / wk decimal leading zero (01 02 03) / wk lower latin (a b c) / wk lower roman (i ii iii iv) / wk upper latin (A B C) / wk upper roman (I II III IV) / wk lower greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.) / wk armenian / wk georgian / wk hebrew / wk hiragana / wk katakana / wk cjk ideographic / wk hollow square / wk diamond / wk club / wk decimal greek / wk custom / wk none |
wk lower greek | Longint | 18 | Lowercase classical Greek used (value for wk list style type) |
wk lower latin | Longint | 14 | Lowercase ASCII letters used (value for wk list style type) |
wk lower roman | Longint | 15 | Lowercase roman numerals used (value for wk list style type) |
wk lowercase | Longint | 2 | Changes all characters to lowercase (value for wk text transform) |
wk margin | String | margin | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk margin bottom | String | marginBottom | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk margin left | String | marginLeft | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk margin right | String | marginRight | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk margin top | String | marginTop | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk middle | Longint | 2 | Sets position of background image (value for wk background position v) or places element in middle of parent element (value for wk vertical align) |
wk mime html | Longint | 1 | 4D Write Pro document is saved as standard MIME HTML with HTML documents and images embedded as MIME parts (encoded in base64). Expressions are computed and 4D specific tags are removed. This format is particularly suitable for sending HTML emails with the SMTP_QuickSend command. |
wk min height | String | minHeight | Used with: Paragraphs, Pictures Default value: 0 Description: Size(1). Always automatic for document element; the view handles the height. |
wk min width | String | minWidth | Used with: Paragraphs, Pictures Default value: 0 Description: Size(1). Always automatic for document element; the view handles the width. |
wk mixed | Longint | -2147483648 | |
wk new line style sheet | String | newLineStyleSheet | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: current style |
wk no repeat | Longint | 3 | Background image will not be repeated (value for wk background repeat) |
wk none | Longint | 0 | |
wk normal | Longint | 0 | Standard HTML code |
wk notes | String | notes | Used with: Documents Default value: none Description: String |
wk outset | Longint | 9 | |
wk outside | String | Outside | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: none Description: For multi-paragraph ranges. To be added to a border, padding, or margin attribute to affect only the corresponding outside paragraph property (not inside). |
wk padding | String | padding | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk padding bottom | String | paddingBottom | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk padding box | Longint | 1 | Background clipped to padding box (value for wk background clip) or background image starts from upper left corner of padding edge (value for wk background origin) |
wk padding left | String | paddingLeft | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk padding right | String | paddingRight | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk padding top | String | paddingTop | Used with: Paragraphs, Documents, Pictures Default value: wk none Description: Size(1) |
wk range end | String | rangeEnd | (Read-only range attribute) |
wk range owner | String | rangeOwner | (Read-only range attribute) |
wk range start | String | rangeStart | (Read-only range attribute) |
wk repeat | Longint | 0 | Background image repeated both vertically and horizontally (value for wk background repeat) |
wk repeat x | Longint | 1 | Background image repeated only horizontally (value for wk background repeat) |
wk repeat y | Longint | 2 | Background image repeated only vertically (value for wk background repeat) |
wk ridge | Longint | 7 | 3D ridged border used (value for wk border style) |
wk right | Longint | 1 | Aligns text or tab to the right (value for wk text align or wk tab stop types) or sets starting position of background image (value for wk background position h) |
wk right to left | Longint | 1 | Right-to-left direction used (value for wk direction) |
wk semi transparent | Longint | 5 | Semi-transparent line used (value for wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) |
wk small uppercase | Longint | 4 | Transforms all characters to small uppercase (value for wk text transform) |
wk solid | Longint | 1 | Solid line or border used (value for wk border style, wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) |
wk square | Longint | 12 | Square marker used (value for wk list style type) |
wk start text | Longint | 1 | Sets beginning of document as start of text range |
wk style sheet | String | styleSheet | Used with: Paragraphs, Pictures Default value: none Description: Style sheet name in string |
wk subject | String | subject | Used with: Documents Default value: none Description: String |
wk subscript | Longint | 6 | Aligns element as subscript (value for wk vertical align) |
wk superscript | Longint | 5 | Aligns element as superscript (value for wk vertical align) |
wk tab stop offsets | String | tabStopOffsets | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: 35.45pt Description: Size(1) for array values in user unit. If not an array, SET will reset tab stops to a single default offset and GET will return last offset (which is the default relative offset for offsets beyond the last absolute offset). Max value: 10000pt(4) |
wk tab stop types | String | tabStopTypes | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: wk left Possible values: wk left / wk right / wk center / wk decimal / wk bar or an array(4) |
wk text align | String | textAlign | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: wk left Possible values: wk right / wk left / wk justify / wk center |
wk text color | String | color | Used with: Characters Default value: black Description: Color(2) |
wk text indent | String | textIndent | Used with: Paragraphs Default value: 0 Description: Size(1) |
wk text linethrough color | String | textLinethroughColor | Used with: Characters Default value: textColor Description: Color(2) |
wk text linethrough style | String | textLinethroughStyle | Used with: Characters Default value: wk none Possible values: wk none / wk solid / wk dotted / wk dashed / wk double / wk semi transparent / wk word |
wk text shadow color | String | textShadowColor | Used with: Characters Default value: wk transparent Description: Color(2) |
wk text shadow offset | String | textShadowOffset | Used with: Characters Default value: 1pt Description: Size(1), only in points. |
wk text transform | String | textTransform | Used with: Characters Default value: wk none Description: wk capitalize / wk lowercase / wk uppercase / wk small uppercase / wk none |
wk text underline color | String | textUnderlineColor | Used with: Characters Default value: textColor Description: Color(2) |
wk text underline style | String | textUnderlineStyle | Used with: Characters Default value: wk none Possible values: wk none / wk solid / wk dotted / wk dashed / wk double / wk semi transparent / wk word |
wk title | String | title | Used with: Documents Default value: New 4D Write Document Description: String |
wk top | Longint | 0 | Sets position of background image (value for wk background position v) or aligns element with top of tallest element on the line (value for wk vertical align) |
wk transparent | Longint | -1 | Specifies color is transparent (value for wk background color or wk text shadow color) |
wk true | Longint | 1 | |
wk underline | Longint | 1 | |
wk unit cm | String | cm | Unit used is centimeters (value for wk layout unit) |
wk unit inch | String | in | Unit used is inches (value for wk layout unit) |
wk unit mm | String | mm | Unit used is millimeters (value for wk layout unit) |
wk unit percent | String | % | Unit used is a percentage (value for wk layout unit) |
wk unit pt | String | pt | Unit used is points (value for wk layout unit) |
wk unit px | String | px | Unit used is pixels (value for wk layout unit) |
wk upper latin | Longint | 16 | Uppercase ASCII letters used (value for wk list style type) |
wk upper roman | Longint | 17 | Uppercase roman numerals used (value for wk list style type) |
wk uppercase | Longint | 3 | Changes all characters to uppercase (value for wk text transform) |
wk value unit not percentage | Longint | -100000 | |
wk value unit percentage | Longint | -100001 | |
wk version | String | version | Used with: Documents Default value: 1 Description: integer (from 1 to max). Get only; cannot be set. |
wk vertical align | String | verticalAlign | Used with: Characters, Paragraphs, Pictures Default value: wk baseline Possible values: wk top / wk bottom / wk middle / wk baseline / wk superscript / wk subscript. For characters, wk top and wk bottom have the same effect as wk baseline. For paragraphs, wk baseline, wk superscript and wk subscript have the same effect as wk top. |
wk web page complete | Longint | 2 | .htm or .html extension. The document is saved as standard HTML and its resources are saved separately. 4D tags are removed and expressions are computed. This format is particularly suitable when you want to display a 4D Write Pro document in a web browser. |
wk web page html 4D | Longint | 3 | 4D Write Pro document is saved as HTML and includes 4D specific tags; each expression is inserted as a non-breaking space. Since this format is lossless, it is appropriate for storing purposes in a text field. |
wk width | String | width | Default value: 0 Used with: Paragraph, Picture Description: Size(1) or wk auto. Always auto for document element; the view handles the width. |
wk word | Longint | 6 |
Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes
Modified: 4D v15 R2
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)