4D provides several automatic style sheets, found in the Property List:

Note: These style sheets are only available in the Property list and do not appear in the list of style sheets in the Tool box.
Unlike other style sheets, the automatic style sheets do not have any predefined properties but instead determine the font and font size -- as well as the font color for the Automatic (Main) style sheet -- to be used for the object dynamically according to system parameters. These parameters depend on:
- the platform,
- the system language,
- and the type of form object.
This automatic functioning is implemented each time the form is used, in Design mode or in Application mode. With these style sheets, you are guaranteed that titles are always displayed in accordance with the current interface standards of the system. However, their size may vary from one machine to another.
Automatic style sheets manage the font as well as its size and color. If you modify one of the properties managed by an automatic style sheet in the Form editor, this style sheet no longer works dynamically. However, you can apply custom style properties (Bold, Italic or Underline) without altering its functioning.
The Automatic style sheet is applied by default to any new object created in the Form editor.
The Automatic (Main) and Automatic (Additional) style sheets are only supported by the following objects:
- Static text
- Fields
- Variables
These style sheets are primarily intended for designing dialog boxes. They refer to font styles used, respectively, for main text and additional information in your interface windows. Here are typical dialog boxes (OS X and Windows) using these style sheets:

In addition to the font and font size, these automatic style sheets also define the font color property.