4D v16

WP Get pictures


4D v16
WP Get pictures

WP Get pictures 


WP Get pictures ( rangeObj ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
rangeObj  Object in Range from which to get pictures
Function result  Object in Range object containing pictures only

The WP Get pictures command returns a specific range object that addresses only the pictures contained in the rangeObj you passed as parameter. The image range object returned must be used by WP GET ATTRIBUTES and WP SET ATTRIBUTES to handle picture attributes only. 

In rangeObj, pass a valid 4D Write Pro standard range object. A rangeObj is a part of a 4D Write Pro document; it can be created by the or WP Get range command.


You want to change the border color of pictures only:

 $oPicts:=WP Get pictures($oSelection)
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($oPicts;wk border color;"blue")

See also 

WP Get paragraphs
WP Get selection


Product: 4D
Theme: 4D Write Pro Language

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v15 R4


4D Write Pro Reference ( 4D v16)