4D v16
The SVG_SET_STROKE_DASHARRAY command is used to set the pattern of dashes and gaps used to outline the path of the SVG object passed in svgObject. If svgObject is not a valid SVG reference, an error is generated. The whole value of the dash parameter indicates the length of the first dash of the dotted pattern. If the value parameters are omitted, the dotted line will consists of a series of dashes and gaps of the same length. The decimal value of the dash parameter, if it is not null, indicates the distance into the pattern from which the dashes will start. If dash is 0, the dotted pattern is removed. The value parameters alternately specify the lengths of the gaps and dashes that follow the first dash. If an odd number of values is given (including the first dash), the list of values is repeated until it produces an even number of values. See Also: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#StrokeProperties Illustrations of a dotted line path: //Line
Product: 4D
Created: 4D v12 ARTICLE USAGE
4D SVG Component ( 4D v16) |