4D v16



4D v16



SVG_PATH_ARC ( parentSVGObject ; xRadius ; yRadius ; x ; y {; rotation {; arcpath}} ) 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
parentSVGObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of path element
xRadius  Lange Ganzzahl in Radius of ellipse on X axis
yRadius  Lange Ganzzahl in Radius of ellipse on Y axis
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on X axis of destination point
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on Y axis of destination point
rotation  Lange Ganzzahl in Value of rotation
arcpath  Lange Ganzzahl in Sets the way the arc will be drawn

The SVG_PATH_ARC command draws an elliptical arc, from the current point to the point (x, y), at the end of the path referenced by parentSVGObject. If parentSVGObject is not a path reference (‘path’ element), an error is generated.

The size and orientation of the ellipse are set by two radii (xRadius, yRadius) and a rotation value on the X axis that indicates the rotation of the ellipse as a whole with respect to the current coordinate system.

The optional arcpath parameter can be used to apply a combination of constraints which will determine how the arc will be drawn. The large-arc-flag constraint is used to choose (or not) the larger of the two possible arcs (greater than 180°) and the sweep-flag constraint chooses the direction it will be drawn (positive angle or negative angle).

The following values, representing the four possible combinations of the two constraints, can be passed:

  • 0: large-arc-flag = 0, sweep-flag = 1
  • 1: large-arc-flag = 1, sweep-flag = 0
  • 2: large-arc-flag = 0, sweep-flag = 0
  • 3: large-arc-flag = 1, sweep-flag = 1

When large-arc-flag is equal to 1, the larger arc is drawn (and the smaller when it is equal to 0). When sweep-flag is equal to 1, the arc is drawn at a positive angle (and at a negative angle when it is equal to 0).

The following drawing illustrates the four possible combinations:

By default, the value of arcpath is 0 (large-arc-flag=0, sweep-flag=1).

See the examples for the SVG_New_path command.

Siehe auch 



Produkt: 4D
Thema: Drawing
Nummer: 65961


Geändert: Composant 4D SVG v11.4


4D SVG ( 4D v16)