4D v16.3
ST FREEZE EXPRESSIONS ( {* ;} object {; startSel {; endSel}}{; *} ) | ||||||||
Parameter | Type | Description | ||||||
* | Operator |
![]() |
If specified, object is an object name (string) If omitted, object is a field or variable | |||||
object | Form object |
![]() |
Object name (if * is specified) or Field or variable (if * is omitted) | |||||
startSel | Longint |
![]() |
Start of selection | |||||
endSel | Longint |
![]() |
End of selection | |||||
* | Operator |
![]() |
If passed = update expressions before freezing them | |||||
The ST FREEZE EXPRESSIONS command "freezes" the contents of expressions found in the styled text field or variable designated by the object parameter. This action converts dynamic expressions into static text and removes the associated references from the object.
For more information about 4D expressions used in multi-style text areas, refer to the description of the ST INSERT EXPRESSION command.
The ST FREEZE EXPRESSIONS command stores the computed value of an expression at a given time. This operation is necessary particularly before each use of the object outside of a multi-style area (exports, storage in a disk file, printing, etc.) since only the reference of the expression is kept in the area itself.
Passing the optional * parameter indicates that the object parameter is an object name (string). If you do not pass this parameter, it indicates that the object parameter is a field or variable. In this case, you pass a field or variable reference instead of a string (field or variable object only).
The optional startSel and endSel parameters designate a selection of text in object. The startSel and endSel values express a plain text selection, without taking into account any style tags or references that may be present.
4D provides predefined constants so that you can designate the selection limits automatically in the startSel and endSel parameters.
These constants are found in the "Multistyle Text" theme:
Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
ST End highlight | Longint | -1001 | Designates last character of current text selection in object (*) |
ST End text | Longint | 0 | Designates last character of text contained in object |
ST Start highlight | Longint | -1000 | Designates first character of current text selection in object (*) |
ST Start text | Longint | 1 | Designates first character of text contained in object |
(*) You must pass an object name in object to be able to use this constant. If you pass a reference to a field or variable, the command is applied to all the text of the object.
Note: If startSel is greater than endSel (except when endSelis 0), the command does nothing and the OK variable is set to 0.
By default, expressions are not re-evaluated before they are frozen. If you want the expression to be recomputed and then frozen, you can pass the second * parameter.
You want to insert the current time at the start of the text and then freeze it before saving the record:
//Inserting the time at the start of the text
ST INSERT EXPRESSION(*;StyledText_t;"Current time";1)
//We freeze the expression
Product: 4D
Theme: Styled Text
Created: 4D v14
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)