4D v16.3Principles for conversion |
4D v16.3
Principles for conversion
Principles for conversion
Databases created with version 15 of 4D or 4D Server (as well as ones created in v11, v12, v13 and v14) are compatible with 4D version 16 (structure and data files). You can convert any interpreted structure file. To do this, just launch 4D v16 and open your structure file (xxx.4DB file) in interpreted mode. A dialog warns you that the structure and data files are going to be converted: After your structure file is converted to 4D v16, it can no longer be opened using a former version. Data files are not converted for databases in 4D v15 or 4D v15 Rx. However, they are converted for databases in 4D v14 and earlier versions. In this case, a second dialog box is displayed: This data file is also converted to version 16 but it can still be opened and used with 4D v14.4 and higher or 4D v15 (4D v14 R5). Use the Maintenance and Security Center (MSC) again to check and repair the structure and data. As a reminder, on the structure:
New feature concerning the structure:
New features concerning the data: detection of duplicates in Unique fields. Additional information is provided:
During the upgrade to 4D v16 and because of the update of the Unicode library (ICU - International Components for Unicode), all text and keyword indexes in 4D were rebuilt. This oepration is performed automaticaly when the database is opened for the first time (warning: this operation may take a significant amount of time). Similarly, when you re-open a v16 database with a 4D v15 R5 or earlier version, this automatically triggers the rebuilding of the text and keyword indexes. Note: With 4D v16, we have significantly optimized the global reindexing algorithm for the data of the database. All its processes were reviewed and this operation can now be up to twice as fast. Global reindexing is required, for example, after repairing the database or when the .4dindx file has been deleted.
Product: 4D
Conversion to 4D v16 ( 4D v16) |