Upgrading an existing 4D application on OS X from a 32-bit version of 4D to a 64-bit version requires some preparation work.
If your application runs on 4D Server 64-bit Windows or OS X, most of the work is already done. 64-bit versions of desktop applications may require a few additional steps. This section provides a step-by-step checklist to help you verify all the necessary points both before and after the upgrade.
Several features have been updated, disabled or even declared as deprecated for the 64-bit migration of our products. All details are listed in the Specific features of 64-bit versions section.
Note: Like with any upgrade process, it is good practice to use the MSC and launch a verification process before each major step to make sure both the data and structure are OK.
The first requirement consists in upgrading your plug-ins (if any) to their 64-bit version:
- 4D plug-ins:
All plug-ins already exist in 64-bit versions, except for 4D Write and 4D View.
- If your application uses 4D Write, you need to consider migrating your code to 4D Write Pro. Good practice is to keep your existing 32-bit code and start a new 64-bit based module with 4D Write Pro alongside it.
- If your application uses 4D View, you will have to use 4D View Pro features or other alternatives.
- Third-party plug-ins:
Contact your providers to get 64-bit versions.
- Upgrade your application to the latest 32-bit release, for example 4D v16 32-bit or higher.
- Make sure Unicode mode is activated.
- Convert any PICT/cicn/QuickTime pictures.
To detect deprecated pictures in your data, you can use the GET PICTURE FORMATS command.
You also need to replace all unsupported pictures in the structure of your database. A verification with the MSC will detect deprecated pictures in resources files for picture and 3D buttons as well as for static pictures. - Replace XSLT-based features (_o_XSLT APPLY TRANSFORMATION, _o_XSLT SET PARAMETER or _o_XSLT GET ERROR commands), with the PROCESS 4D TAGS command for example.
- Replace _o_Font number calls with font name calls.
- Remove any code that creates or modifies resource files.
At this point, you are ready to open your database with a 64-bit version of 4D.
- Open your application with a 4D Developer Edition 64-bit version.
- If you use the integrated WebKit for your Web areas, check them since they are automatically switched to the System engine (access to 4D methods through $4d is still valid).
- If your code uses the Mac spool file format option of the SET PRINT OPTION command, you need to replace it with a call to SET CURRENT PRINTER with the Generic PDF driver constant.
- Check Label editor calls and usages (refer to Label editor (64-bit)).
- Check Quick Report calls and usages (refer to Quick reports (64-bit))
Your application is now fully 64-bit compatible and you can benefit from all the new 64-bit features in 4D.