4D v16.3Errores de sintaxis |
4D v16.3
Errores de sintaxis
Código | Descripción |
1 | A “(” was expected. |
2 | A field was expected. |
3 | The command may be executed only on a field in a subtable. |
4 | Parameters in the list must all be of the same type. |
5 | There is no table to which to apply the command. |
6 | The command may only be executed on a Subtable type field. |
7 | A Numeric argument was expected. |
8 | An Alphanumeric argument was expected. |
9 | The result of a conditional test was expected. |
10 | The command cannot be applied to this field type. |
11 | The command cannot be applied between two conditional tests. |
12 | The command cannot be applied between two Numeric arguments. |
13 | The command cannot be applied between two Alphanumeric arguments. |
14 | The command cannot be applied between two Date arguments. |
15 | The operation is not compatible with the two arguments. |
16 | The field has no relation. |
17 | A table was expected. |
18 | Field types are incompatible. |
19 | The field is not indexed. |
20 | An “=” was expected. |
21 | The method does not exist. |
22 | The fields must belong to the same table or subtable for a sort or graph. |
23 | A “<” or “>” was expected. |
24 | A “;” was expected. |
25 | There are too many fields for a sort. |
26 | The field type cannot be Text, Picture, Blob or Subtable. |
27 | The field must be prefixed by the name of its table. |
28 | The field type. |
29 | The value must be 1 or 0. |
30 | A variable was expected. |
31 | There is no menu bar with this number. |
32 | A date was expected. |
33 | Unimplemented command or function. |
34 | Accounting files are not open. |
35 | The sets are from different tables. |
36 | Invalid table name. |
37 | A “:=” was expected. |
38 | This is a function, not a procedure. |
39 | The set does not exist. |
40 | This is a procedure, not a function. |
41 | A variable or field belonging to a subtable was expected. |
42 | The record cannot be pushed onto the stack. |
43 | The function cannot be found. |
44 | The method cannot be found. |
45 | Field or variable expected. |
46 | A Numeric or Alphanumeric argument was expected. |
47 | The field Tipo must be Alphanumeric. |
48 | Syntax error. |
49 | This operator cannot be used here. |
50 | These operators cannot be used together. |
51 | Module not implemented. |
52 | An Array was expected. |
53 | Index out of range. |
54 | Argument types are incompatible. |
55 | A Boolean argument was expected. |
56 | Field, variable, or table expected. |
57 | An operator was expected. |
58 | A “)” was expected. |
59 | This kind of argument was not expected here. |
60 | A parameter or a local variable cannot be used in an EXECUTE statement |
in a compiled database. | |
61 | The Tipo of an Array cannot be modified in a compiled database. |
62 | The command cannot be applied to a subtable. |
63 | The field is not indexed. |
64 | A picture field or variable was expected. |
65 | The value should contain 4 characters. |
66 | The value should not contain more than 3 characters. |
67 | This command cannot be executed on 4D Server. |
68 | A list was expected. |
69 | An external window reference was expected. |
70 | The command cannot be applied between two Picture arguments. |
71 | The SET PRINT MARKER command can only be called in the header of a form being |
printed. | |
72 | A pointer Array was expected. |
73 | A numeric Array was expected. |
74 | The size of arrays does not match. |
75 | No pointer on local arrays. |
76 | Bad Array Type. |
77 | Bad variable name. |
78 | Invalid sort paramater. |
79 | This command cannot be executed during the draw of a list. |
80 | Too many query arguments. |
81 | The form was not found. |
Algunos códigos de error señalan errores de sintaxis por errores de digitación. Por ejemplo, usted obtiene el error #37 si ejecuta la expresión v=0 cuando en realidad quería escribir v:=0. Puede eliminar el error corrigiendo su código en el editor de métodos.
Algunos de estos códigos de error señalan errores de programación simples. Por ejemplo, usted obtiene el error #5 si ejecuta un comando ADD RECORD, sin indicar el nombre de la tabla en el parámetro correspondiente, y haber definido la tabla por defecto con la ayuda del comando DEFAULT TABLE. En este caso, se corrige el error definiendo una tabla por defecto o pasando un nombre de tabla en el parámetro correspondiente.
Algunos de estos códigos de error señalan errores relacionados con la estructura de la base. Por ejemplo, usted obtiene el error #16 si aplica el comando RELATE ONE a un campo que no está relacionado con otro campo. Elimine el error modificando su código o creando una relación a partir del campo.
Ciertos errores no siempre están en el lugar donde su código se detuvo. Por ejemplo, si en una subrutina usted obtiene el error #53 (index out of range) en la línea vpCamp:=Campo($1;$2), el error es porque se pasaron a la subrutina como parámetros números incorrectos de tablas o de campos. Por lo tanto, el error está ubicado en el método llamante y no donde ocurre el error. En este caso, haga seguimiento a su código en la ventana del depurador para determinar qué línea de código contiene el error, para corregirlo en el editor de métodos.
Producto: 4D
Tema: Códigos de error
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16)
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16.1)
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16.2)
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16.3)