4D v16.3Errores de gestión de impresión del SO |
4D v16.3
Errores de gestión de impresión del SO
Código | Descripción |
-1 | Problem saving file to be printed |
-27 | Problem opening or closing connection with printer |
-128 | Printing interrupted by the user |
-193 | Resource file not found |
-4100 | Printer connection has been interrupted |
-4101 | Printer busy or not connected |
-8150 | A LaserWriter is not selected |
-8151 | The printer has been initialized with a different driver version |
-8192 | LaserWriter time-out |
Producto: 4D
Tema: Códigos de error
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16)
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16.1)
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16.2)
Manual de lenguaje 4D ( 4D v16.3)