4D associates a default icon with double-clickable applications. However, you can customize the icon for each application.
When building a double-clickable application, 4D handles the customizing of the icon.
In order to do this, you must create an icon file (icns type), prior to building the application file, and place it next to the interpreted structure file.
Note: Apple, Inc. provides a specific tool for building icns icon files (for more information, please refer to Apple documentation).
Your icon file must have the same name as the interpreted structure file and include the .icns extension.
4D automatically takes this file into account when building the double-clickable application (the .icns file is renamed ApplicationName.icns and copied into the Resources folder; the CFBundleFileIcon entry of the “info.plist” file is updated).
When building a double-clickable application, 4D handles the customizing of its icon.
In order to do this, you must create an icon file (.ico extension), prior to building the application file, and place it next to the interpreted structure file.
Your icon file must have the same name as the interpreted structure file and include the .ico extension.
4D automatically takes this file into account when building the double-clickable application.