4D v14.3
The WEB SEND FILE command sends, to the Web browser, the HTML page or the Web file stored in the document whose pathname you pass in htmlFile. By default, 4D looks for the HTML document within the root folder, defined in the Database Settings. This command accepts as a parameter either pathnames in Posix syntax (names of directories or folders are separated with a slash "/") or in the system syntax. Once WEB SEND FILE is executed, the OK system variable is updated: if the file to be sent exists and if the timeout has not run out, OK is equal to 1. Otherwise, it is equal to 0. Note: If you call WEB SEND FILE from within a process that is not a Web process, the command does nothing and returns no error; the call is simply ignored. The references to 4D variables and 4DSCRIPT type tags found on the page are parsed when the document type allows for it (document based on text). The HTML root folder of the database is the WebDocs folder. It contains the following elements: ..\WebDocs\HTM\MyPage.HTM Sending the Web page "MyPage.HTM" must be carried out in the following manner : WEB SEND FILE("HTM/MyPage.HTM") If the file to be sent exists and if the timeout has not run out, OK is set to 1. Otherwise, it is equal to 0. |
Product: 4D
Modified: 4D v6.5 SEE ALSO
Binding 4D objects with HTML objects ARTICLE USAGE
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R2) Inherited from : SEND HTML FILE ( 4D v12.4) |