4D v14.3List Box |
4D v14.3
List Box
Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
Listbox add to selection | Longint | 1 | The row selected is added to the existing selection. If the row specified already belongs to the existing selection, the command does nothing. |
Listbox all | Longint | 0 | The command affects all sub-levels (default value, used when parameter is omitted). |
Listbox background color | Longint | 1 | |
Listbox background color array | Longint | 1 | |
Listbox break row | Longint | 2 | The command affects the sub-level to which the "cell" designated by the row and column parameters belongs. Note that these parameters represent the row and column numbers in the list box in standard mode and not in its hierarchical representation. If the row and column parameters are omitted, the command does nothing. |
Listbox display footer | Longint | 8 | 0=hidden, 1=shown |
Listbox display header | Longint | 0 | 0=hidden, 1=shown |
Listbox display hor scrollbar | Longint | 2 | 0=hidden, 1=shown |
Listbox display ver scrollbar | Longint | 4 | 0=hidden, 1=shown |
Listbox font color | Longint | 0 | |
Listbox font color array | Longint | 0 | |
Listbox footer height | Longint | 9 | Height in pixels |
Listbox header height | Longint | 1 | Height in pixels |
Listbox hor scrollbar height | Longint | 3 | Height in pixels |
Listbox hor scrollbar position | Longint | 6 | Position of the cursor in pixels |
Listbox inherited | Longint | -255 | |
Listbox last printed row number | Longint | 0 | Returns in info the number of the last row printed. Lets you find out the number of the next row to be printed. The number returned may be greater than the number of rows actually printed if the list box contains invisible rows or if the OBJECT SET SCROLL POSITION command has been called. For example, if rows 1, 18 and 20 have been printed, info is 20. |
Listbox level | Longint | 3 | The command affects all the break rows corresponding to the level column. This parameter designates a column number in the list box in standard mode and not in its hierarchical representation. If the level parameter is omitted, the command does nothing. |
Listbox lines | Longint | 1 | Height designates a number of lines. 4D calculates the height of a line according to the font |
Listbox pixels | Longint | 0 | Height is a number of pixels (default). |
Listbox printed height | Longint | 3 | Returns in info the height in pixels of the object actually printed (including headers, lines, etc.). Remember that if the number of rows to print is less than the "capacity" of the list box, its height is automatically reduced. |
Listbox printed rows | Longint | 1 | Returns in info the number of rows actually printed during the last call to the Print object command. This number includes any break rows added in the case of a hierarchical list box. For example, info is 10 if the list box contains 20 rows and the odd-numbered rows were hidden. |
Listbox printing is over | Longint | 2 | Returns in info a Boolean indicating whether the last (visible) row of the list box has actually been printed. True = row has been printed; Otherwise, False. |
Listbox remove from selection | Longint | 2 | The row selected is removed from the existing selection. If the row specified does not belong to the existing selection, the command does nothing. |
Listbox replace selection | Longint | 0 | The row selected becomes the new selection and replaces the existing selection. The command has the same effect as a user click on a row (however, the On Clicked event is not generated). This is the default action (if the action parameter is omitted). |
Listbox selection | Longint | 1 | The command affects selected sub-levels. |
Listbox style array | Longint | 2 | |
Listbox ver scrollbar position | Longint | 7 | Position of the cursor in pixels |
Listbox ver scrollbar width | Longint | 5 | Width in pixels |
Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes
LISTBOX Get array
LISTBOX Get footers height
LISTBOX Get headers height
LISTBOX Get information
LISTBOX Get row color
LISTBOX Get rows height
4D Language Reference ( 4D v12.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v11 SQL Release 6)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R3)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v13.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14.3)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R4)