Constant | Value | Comment |
OCI_ATTR_AGENT_ADDRESS | 65 | Protocol-specific address of recipient |
OCI_ATTR_AGENT_NAME | 64 | Name of message producer or consumer |
OCI_ATTR_AGENT_PROTOCOL | 66 | Protocol to interpret address and propagate message |
OCI_ATTR_ALLOC_DURATION | 37 | Sets value of allocation duration |
OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_ATTR | 276 | Specifies attribute name of externally initialized context |
OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_LIST | 274 | Gets application context list descriptor |
OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_NAME | 275 | Specifies namespace of externally initialized context |
OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_SIZE | 273 | Initializes externally initialized context array size with number of attributes |
OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_VALUE | 277 | Specifies value of externally initialized context |
OCI_ATTR_ATTEMPTS | 59 | Specifies number of attempts made to dequeue message |
OCI_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT_DDL | 271 | Specifies if autocommit mode required for DDL statements |
OCI_ATTR_BUF_ADDR | 76 | Buffer address of beginning of stream data |
OCI_ATTR_BUF_SIZE | 77 | Size of stream data in bytes |
OCI_ATTR_CACHE | 115 | Number of sequence numbers cached |
OCI_ATTR_CACHE_CLIENT_CONTEXT | 251 | Cache for user constructed instances |
OCI_ATTR_CACHE_MAX_SIZE | 35 | Sets maximum client-side object cache size as a percentage of optimal size |
OCI_ATTR_CACHE_OPT_SIZE | 34 | Sets optimal client-side object cache size in bytes |
OCI_ATTR_CATALOG_LOCATION | 268 | Position of catalog in table |
OCI_ATTR_CHAR_COUNT | 15 | Sets number of characters in character type data |
OCI_ATTR_CHARSET | 20 | Character set value |
OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_FORM | 32 | Character set form of bind handle |
OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID | 31 | Character set ID of bind handle |
OCI_ATTR_CLUSTERED | 105 | Indicates table is clustered |
OCI_ATTR_COL_COUNT | 82 | Last column of last row processed |
OCI_ATTR_COLLECTION_ELEMENT | 227 | Handle to collection element |
OCI_ATTR_COLLECTION_TYPECODE | 217 | Type code of collection |
OCI_ATTR_COMPOBJ_COLL_OUTOFLIN | 53 | Indicates whether to fetch collection attributes in out-of-line type object |
OCI_ATTR_COMPOBJ_LEVEL | 52 | Depth level for complex object retrieval |
OCI_ATTR_COMPOBJCOMP_TYP | 50 | Type of Ref to follow for complex object retrieval |
OCI_ATTR_COMPOBJCOMP_TYP_LEVEL | 51 | Depth level for following Refs |
OCI_ATTR_CONSUMER_NAME | 50 | Name of consumer |
OCI_ATTR_CORRELATION | 58 | Specifies identifier for message |
OCI_ATTR_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR | 266 | Specifies effect of Commit on cursors |
OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE | 1 | Maximum size in bytes of external data for column |
OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE | 2 | Gets or sets external data type of column |
OCI_ATTR_DATEFORMAT | 75 | Date conversion mask for column |
OCI_ATTR_DELAY | 56 | Specifies number of seconds to delay message |
OCI_ATTR_DEQ_MODE | 51 | Specifies locking behavior associated with dequeue |
OCI_ATTR_DEQ_MSGID | 54 | Specifies identifier of message to be dequeued |
OCI_ATTR_DESC_PUBLIC | 250 | Specifies object name to be looked up as a public synonym |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_FILE | 139 | Database file to load into |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_INDEX_MAINT_METHOD | 138 | Performs index row insertion |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_MODE | 78 | Mode of direct path context |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_NOLOG | 79 | NOLOG attribute determines whether image redo or invalidation redo is generated |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_PARALLEL | 80 | Allows same direct path segment to be loaded concurrently |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_SORTED_INDEX | 137 | Index that data is sorted on |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_STORAGE_INITI | 140 | Initial extent size |
OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_STORAGE_NEXT | 141 | Next extent size |
OCI_ATTR_DISP_NAME | 100 | Display name |
OCI_ATTR_DISP_SIZE | 3 | Display size |
OCI_ATTR_DML_ROW_OFFSET | 74 | Returns offset (into DML array) where error occurred |
OCI_ATTR_DURATION | 132 | Duration of temporary table |
OCI_ATTR_ENCAPSULATION | 235 | Encapsulation level of method |
OCI_ATTR_ENQ_TIME | 62 | Specifies time message was enqueued |
OCI_ATTR_ENV | 5 | Returns environment context associated with server context |
OCI_ATTR_EXCEPTION_QUEUE | 61 | Specifies name of exception queue |
OCI_ATTR_EXPIRATION | 57 | Specifies expiration of message |
OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME | 26 | Specifies external global database name |
OCI_ATTR_FDO | 39 | Format Descriptor object attribute |
OCI_ATTR_FNCODE | 1 | Returns OCI function code |
OCI_ATTR_FOCBK | 43 | Sets failover callback |
OCI_ATTR_FSPRECISION | 0 | Specifies fractional seconds precision of datetime or interval |
OCI_ATTR_HAS_DEFAULT | 212 | Indicates whether argument has a default |
OCI_ATTR_HAS_FILE | 226 | Type contains a BFILE attribute |
OCI_ATTR_HAS_LOB | 225 | Type contains a LOB attribute |
OCI_ATTR_HAS_NESTED_TABLE | 224 | Type contains a nested table attribute |
OCI_ATTR_HAS_RESULT | 240 | Indicates whether argument has a result |
OCI_ATTR_HEAPALLOC | 30 | Current size of memory allocated from environment handle |
OCI_ATTR_HW_MARK | 117 | High-water mark (in Number format) |
OCI_ATTR_IN_V8_MODE | 44 | Determines whether application has switched to Oracle release 7 mode |
OCI_ATTR_INCR | 114 | Increment (in Oracle Number format) |
OCI_ATTR_INDEX_ONLY | 107 | Indicates table is index-only |
OCI_ATTR_INITIAL_CLIENT_ROLES | 100 | Specifies initial client role(s) when the application server connects |
OCI_ATTR_INTERNAL_NAME | 25 | Sets client database name recorded when performing global transactions |
OCI_ATTR_IOMODE | 213 | Indicates the argument mode (IN, OUT, IN/OUT) |
OCI_ATTR_IS_CONSTANT | 239 | Indicates method is a constant |
OCI_ATTR_IS_CONSTRUCTOR | 241 | Indicates method is a constructor |
OCI_ATTR_IS_DESTRUCTOR | 242 | Indicates method is a destructor |
OCI_ATTR_IS_INCOMPLETE_TYPE | 219 | Indicates an incomplete type |
OCI_ATTR_IS_INLINE | 238 | Indicates method is inline |
OCI_ATTR_IS_INVOKER_RIGHTS | 133 | Indicates procedure or function has invoker's rights |
OCI_ATTR_IS_MAP | 244 | Indicates method is a map method |
OCI_ATTR_IS_NULL | 7 | Indicates whether null values are permitted for column |
OCI_ATTR_IS_OPERATOR | 243 | Indicates method is an operator |
OCI_ATTR_IS_ORDER | 245 | Indicates method is an order method |
OCI_ATTR_IS_PREDEFINED_TYPE | 221 | Indicates a predefined type |
OCI_ATTR_IS_RNDS | 246 | Indicates "Read No Data State" is set for method |
OCI_ATTR_IS_RNPS | 247 | Indicates "Read No Process State" is set for method |
OCI_ATTR_IS_SELFISH | 236 | Indicates method is selfish |
OCI_ATTR_IS_SUBTYPE | 258 | Indicates a subtype |
OCI_ATTR_IS_SYSTEM_GENERATED_TYPE | 223 | Indicates a system-generated type |
OCI_ATTR_IS_SYSTEM_TYPE | 220 | Indicates a system type |
OCI_ATTR_IS_TEMPORARY | 130 | Indicates table is temporary |
OCI_ATTR_IS_TRANSIENT_TYPE | 222 | Indicates a transient type |
OCI_ATTR_IS_TYPED | 131 | Indicates table is typed |
OCI_ATTR_IS_VIRTUAL | 237 | Indicates method is virtual |
OCI_ATTR_IS_WNDS | 248 | Indicates "Write No Data State" is set for method |
OCI_ATTR_IS_WNPS | 249 | Indicates "Write No Process State" is set for method |
OCI_ATTR_LEVEL | 211 | Data type levels |
OCI_ATTR_LFPRECISION | 0 | Leading field precision of interval |
OCI_ATTR_LINK | 111 | Database link name of synonym translation |
OCI_ATTR_LIST_ARGUMENTS | 108 | List of arguments at next level |
OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS | 103 | Column list |
OCI_ATTR_LIST_OBJECTS | 261 | List of objects in schema |
OCI_ATTR_LIST_SCHEMAS | 263 | List of schemas in database |
OCI_ATTR_LIST_SUBPROGRAMS | 109 | Subprogram list |
OCI_ATTR_LIST_TYPE_ATTRS | 229 | List of type attributes |
OCI_ATTR_LIST_TYPE_METHODS | 231 | List of type methods |
OCI_ATTR_LOBEMPTY | 45 | Sets internal LOB locator to empty |
OCI_ATTR_LOCKING_MODE | 272 | Locking mode for database |
OCI_ATTR_LTYPE | 128 | Specifies list type |
OCI_ATTR_MAP_METHOD | 232 | Map method of type |
OCI_ATTR_MAX | 113 | Maximum value (in Oracle Number format) |
OCI_ATTR_MAX_CATALOG_NAMELEN | 267 | Maximum length of catalog (database) name |
OCI_ATTR_MAX_COLUMN_LEN | 265 | Maximum length of column name |
OCI_ATTR_MAX_PROC_LEN | 264 | Maximum length of procedure name |
OCI_ATTR_MAXDATA_SIZE | 33 | Sets maximum number of bytes allowed in buffer on server side |
OCI_ATTR_MEMPOOL_APPNAME | 90 | Name or pathname of executable |
OCI_ATTR_MEMPOOL_HOMENAME | 91 | Directory name where executables using same instance are located |
OCI_ATTR_MEMPOOL_INSTNAME | 89 | User-defined name to identify an instance of shared subsystem |
OCI_ATTR_MEMPOOL_MODEL | 92 | Model of shared pool |
OCI_ATTR_MEMPOOL_SIZE | 88 | Size of shared pool in bytes |
OCI_ATTR_MIGSESSION | 86 | Specifies session identified for session handle |
OCI_ATTR_MIN | 112 | Minimum value (in Oracle Number format) |
OCI_ATTR_MODES | 93 | Modes |
OCI_ATTR_MSG_PROP | 72 | Message properties |
OCI_ATTR_MSG_STATE | 63 | Specifies state of message at time of dequeue |
OCI_ATTR_NAME | 4 | Name of table to be loaded into |
OCI_ATTR_NAVIGATION | 52 | Specifies position of message retrieved |
OCI_ATTR_NCHAR | 21 | NCHAR type |
OCI_ATTR_NCHARSET_ID | 262 | Database national character set ID from server handle |
OCI_ATTR_NESTED_PREFETCH_MEMOR | 14 | Memory limit for nested rows |
OCI_ATTR_NESTED_PREFETCH_ROWS | 12 | Prefetch rows of nested table |
OCI_ATTR_NFY_MSGID | 71 | Message ID |
OCI_ATTR_NOCACHE | 87 | Specifies whether temporary LOB is read into buffer cache of server |
OCI_ATTR_NONBLOCKING_MODE | 3 | Determines blocking mode |
OCI_ATTR_NOWAIT_SUPPORT | 270 | Determines whether database supports NOWAIT clause |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_ARGS | 215 | Total number of arguments |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_ATTRS | 120 | Number of attributes |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS | 102 | Number of columns |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_DML_ERRORS | 73 | Returns number of errors in DML operation |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_ELEMS | 234 | Number of elements in an array |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_PARAMS | 121 | Number of elements in list |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_ROWS | 81 | Number of rows loaded/to be allocated |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_TYPE_ATTRS | 228 | Number of type attributes |
OCI_ATTR_NUM_TYPE_METHODS | 230 | Number of type methods |
OCI_ATTR_OBJ_ID | 136 | Object or schema ID |
OCI_ATTR_OBJ_NAME | 134 | Database name or object name in schema |
OCI_ATTR_OBJ_SCHEMA | 135 | Schema name where object is located |
OCI_ATTR_OBJECT | 2 | Returns True if environment initialized in object mode |
OCI_ATTR_OBJID | 122 | Object ID |
OCI_ATTR_ORDER | 116 | Specifies whether sequence is ordered |
OCI_ATTR_ORDER_METHOD | 233 | Order method of type |
OCI_ATTR_ORIGINAL_MSGID | 69 | ID of message in last queue that generated this message |
OCI_ATTR_OVERLOAD | 210 | Specifies whether position is overloaded |
OCI_ATTR_OVERLOAD_ID | 125 | Overloading ID number |
OCI_ATTR_PARAM | 124 | Points to root of description |
OCI_ATTR_PARAM_COUNT | 18 | Returns number of parameters in describe handle |
OCI_ATTR_PARSE_ERROR_OFFSET | 129 | Returns parse error offset for statement |
OCI_ATTR_PARTITIONED | 106 | Indicates table is partitioned |
OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD | 23 | Specifies password to use for authentication |
OCI_ATTR_PDPRC | 17 | Specifies packed decimal precision |
OCI_ATTR_PDSCL | 16 | Specifies scale for packed decimal values |
OCI_ATTR_PIN_DURATION | 38 | Sets default value for pin durations |
OCI_ATTR_PINOPTION | 36 | Sets pin default value |
OCI_ATTR_POSITION | 11 | Position of argument in list |
OCI_ATTR_POSTPROCESSING_CALLBA | 40 | Callback to process outbind data |
OCI_ATTR_POSTPROCESSING_CONTEX | 41 | Callback context to process outbind data |
OCI_ATTR_PRECISION | 5 | Gets or sets precision |
OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_MEMORY | 13 | Sets memory level for top-level rows to be prefetched |
OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS | 11 | Sets number of top-level rows to be prefetched |
OCI_ATTR_PRIORITY | 55 | Specifies message priority |
OCI_ATTR_PROXY_CREDENTIALS | 99 | Specifies use of application server credentials for proxy authentication |
OCI_ATTR_PTYPE | 123 | Type of information described by parameter |
OCI_ATTR_QUEUE_NAME | 70 | Queue name of notification |
OCI_ATTR_RADIX | 214 | Returns radix (if Number type) |
OCI_ATTR_RDBA | 104 | Data block address of segment header |
OCI_ATTR_RECIPIENT_LIST | 60 | List of recipients (queue subscribers by default) |
OCI_ATTR_REF_TDO | 110 | Returns Ref of type descriptor object (TDO) |
OCI_ATTR_RELATIVE_MSGID | 48 | Specifies identifier of message in sequence deviation operation |
OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT | 9 | Returns number of rows successfully processed |
OCI_ATTR_ROWID | 19 | Returns ROWID descriptor |
OCI_ATTR_ROWS_RETURNED | 42 | Number of rows to be returned in current iteration |
OCI_ATTR_SAVEPOINT_SUPPORT | 269 | Specifies whether database supports savepoints |
OCI_ATTR_SCALE | 6 | Scale of numeric type attributes |
OCI_ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME | 9 | Returns schema name |
OCI_ATTR_SENDER_ID | 68 | Identifies original sender of message |
OCI_ATTR_SEQUENCE_DEVIATION | 49 | Specifies whether message should be dequeued before other message(s) already in queue |
OCI_ATTR_SERVER | 6 | Gets or sets server context attribute |
OCI_ATTR_SERVER_GROUP | 85 | Specifies server group |
OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS | 143 | Returns current status of server handle |
OCI_ATTR_SESSION | 7 | Gets or sets authentication context attribute |
OCI_ATTR_SESSLANG | 46 | Session language handle |
OCI_ATTR_SHARED_HEAPALLOC | 84 | Returns size of memory currently allocated from shared pool |
OCI_ATTR_SQLCODE | 4 | Returns code of last SQL command processed |
OCI_ATTR_SQLFNCODE | 10 | Returns function code of SQL command associated with statement |
OCI_ATTR_STATEMENT | 144 | Returns text of SQL statement |
OCI_ATTR_STMT_TYPE | 24 | Type of statement associated with handle |
OCI_ATTR_STREAM_OFFSET | 83 | Offset into stream buffer of last processed row |
OCI_ATTR_SUB_NAME | 10 | Name of partition or subpartition to be loaded |
OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_CALLBACK | 95 | Subscription callback |
OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_CTX | 96 | Context to pass to user callback |
OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_NAME | 94 | Subscription name |
OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_NAMESPACE | 98 | Namespace where subscription handle is used |
OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_PAYLOAD | 97 | Buffer that corresponds to payload sent with notification |
OCI_ATTR_SUPERTYPE_NAME | 260 | Name of supertype |
OCI_ATTR_SUPERTYPE_SCHEMA_NAME | 259 | Name of schema containing supertype |
OCI_ATTR_TABLESPACE | 126 | Tablespace where table resides |
OCI_ATTR_TDO | 127 | Sets object or collection attribute type |
OCI_ATTR_TIMESTAMP | 119 | Timestamp of object |
OCI_ATTR_TRANS | 8 | Gets or sets transaction context attribute |
OCI_ATTR_TRANS_LOCK | 28 | Locks transaction |
OCI_ATTR_TRANS_NAME | 29 | Gets or sets text string which identifies transaction |
OCI_ATTR_TRANS_TIMEOUT | 142 | Gets or sets timeout interval value |
OCI_ATTR_TYPE_NAME | 8 | Type name |
OCI_ATTR_TYPE_SCHEMA | 118 | Schema name of type |
OCI_ATTR_TYPECODE | 216 | Type code |
OCI_ATTR_UCI_CONSTRUCT | 252 | Construct user constructed instance |
OCI_ATTR_UCI_COPY | 254 | Copy user constructed instance |
OCI_ATTR_UCI_DESTRUCT | 253 | Destroy user constructed instance |
OCI_ATTR_UCI_PICKLE | 255 | Pickle user constructed instance |
OCI_ATTR_UCI_REFRESH | 257 | Refresh user constructed instance |
OCI_ATTR_UCI_UNPICKLE | 256 | Unpickle user constructed instance |
OCI_ATTR_UNK | 101 | Unknown attribute |
OCI_ATTR_USERNAME | 22 | Specifies user name for authentication |
OCI_ATTR_VERSION | 218 | Database version |
OCI_ATTR_VISIBILITY | 47 | Specifies transactional behavior for message |
OCI_ATTR_WAIT | 53 | Specifies wait time if no message matching search criteria is currently available |
OCI_ATTR_XID | 27 | Gets or sets XID which identifies transaction |