4D v16Summary of commands |
4D v16
Summary of commands
Command name | Purpose |
OCIBreak | Carries out an immediate asynchronous break |
OCILogoff | Releases a session retrieved using OCILogon. |
OCILogon | Simplified single-session logon |
OCIParamGet | Gets parameter descriptor |
OCIParamSet | Sets parameter descriptor in COR handle |
OCIPasswordChange | Changes password |
OCIReset | Resets asynchronous operation and protocol (after call to OCIBreak) |
OCIServerAttach | Attaches to server; initializes server context handle |
OCIServerDetach | Detaches from server; uninitializes server context handle |
OCISessionBegin | Authenticates user |
OCISessionEnd | Terminates user session |
Command name | OCI command name (if different) | Purpose |
OCIBindDateByName | OCIBindByName | Binds dates by name |
OCIBindDateByPos | OCIBindByPos | Binds dates by position |
OCICollAppend | Collection appends element | |
OCICollAssign | Assigns collection | |
OCICollAssignElem | Collection assigns element | |
OCICollGetElem | Gets pointer to an element | |
OCICollMax | Returns maximum number of elements in collection | |
OCICollSize | Gets current size of collection (in number of elements) | |
OCICollTrim | Trims elements from the collection | |
OCIDateAddDays | Adds or subtracts days | |
OCIDateAddMonths | Adds or subtracts months | |
OCIDateFromText | Converts string to date | |
OCIDateLastDay | Gets date of last day of month | |
OCIDateNextDay | Gets date of next day | |
OCIDateSysDate | Gets current system date and time | |
OCIDateToText | Converts date to string | |
OCIDateZoneToZone | Converts date from one time zone to another zone | |
OCIDefineDateByPos | OCIDefineByPos | Defines output variable association |
OCIIterCreate | Creates iterator to scan the array elements | |
OCIIterDelete | Deletes iterator | |
OCIIterGetCurrent | Gets current collection element | |
OCIIterInit | Initializes iterator to scan the given collection | |
OCIIterNext | Gets next collection element | |
OCIIterPrev | Gets previous collection element | |
OCIRawAllocSize | Gets allocated size of raw memory in bytes | |
OCIRawAssignBytes | Assigns raw bytes to raw | |
OCIRawAssignRaw | Assigns raw to raw | |
OCIRawPtr | Gets raw data Pointer | |
OCIRawResize | Resizes memory of variable-length raw | |
OCIRawSize | Gets raw size | |
OCIRefAssign | Assigns one Ref to another | |
OCIRefClear | Clears or nullifies Ref | |
OCIRefFromHex | Converts hexadecimal string to Ref | |
OCIRefHexSize | Returns size of hexadecimal representation of Ref | |
OCIRefIsEqual | Compares two Refs for equality | |
OCIRefIsNull | Tests whether Ref is Null | |
OCIRefToHex | Converts Ref to hexadecimal string | |
OCITableDelete | Deletes element | |
OCITableExists | Tests whether element exists | |
OCITableFirst | Returns first index of table | |
OCITableLast | Returns last index of table | |
OCITableNext | Returns next available index of table | |
OCITablePrev | Returns previous available index of table | |
OCITableSize | Returns current size of table |
Command name | Purpose |
OCICacheFlush | Flushes modified persistent objects in cache to server |
OCICacheFree | Frees objects in the cache |
OCICacheRefresh | Refreshes pinned persistent objects |
OCICacheUnmark | Unmarks objects in the cache |
OCICacheUnpin | Unpins persistent objects in cache or connection |
Command name | OCI command name (if different) | Purpose |
OCIAttrGetText | OCIAttrGet | Gets value for attribute of a handle |
OCIAttrGetVal | OCIAttrGet | Gets value for attribute of a handle |
OCIAttrSetText | OCIAttrSet | Sets value for attribute of a handle or descriptor |
OCIAttrSetVal | OCIAttrSet | Sets value for attribute of a handle or descriptor |
OCIBindByName | Binds by name | |
OCIBindByPos | Binds by position | |
OCIDefineByPos | Defines output variable association | |
OCIDescribeAnyText | OCIDescribeAny | Describes existing schema objects |
OCIDescribeAnyVal | OCIDescribeAny | Describes existing schema objects |
OCIDescriptorAlloc | Allocates and initializes descriptor or LOB locator | |
OCIDescriptorFree | Frees previously-allocated descriptor | |
OCIEnvCreate | Creates and initializes an OCI environment | |
OCIErrorGet | Returns error message and Oracle error | |
OCIHandleAlloc | Allocates and initializes handle | |
OCIHandleFree | Frees previously-allocated handle | |
OCIServerVersion | Gets Oracle version string | |
OCIStmtExecute | Sends statements to server for execution | |
OCIStmtFetch | Fetches rows from a query | |
OCIStmtGetBindInfo | Gets bind and indicator variable names and handle | |
OCIStmtPrepare | Prepares SQL or PL/SQL statement for execution | |
OCITerminate | Detaches from shared memory subsystem |
Command name | Purpose |
OCITransCommit | Commits transaction on service context |
OCITransDetach | Detaches transaction from service context |
OCITransForget | Forgets prepared global transaction |
OCITransPrepare | Prepares global transaction for commit |
OCITransRollback | Rolls back transaction |
OCITransStart | Starts transaction on a service context |
Command name | Purpose |
OCIDurationBegin | Starts user duration for temporary LOB |
OCIDurationEnd | Ends user duration for temporary LOB |
OCILobAppend | Appends one LOB to another |
OCILobAssign | Assigns one LOB locator to another |
OCILobCharSetForm | Gets character set form from LOB locator |
OCILobCharSetId | Gets character set ID from LOB locator |
OCILobCopy | Copies all or part of one LOB to another |
OCILobCreateTemporary | Creates temporary LOB |
OCILobDisableBuffering | Turns off LOB buffering |
OCILobEnableBuffering | Turns on LOB buffering |
OCILobErase | Erases portion of LOB |
OCILobFileClose | Closes previously-opened BFILE |
OCILobFileCloseAll | Closes all previously-opened files |
OCILobFileExists | Checks whether file exists on server |
OCILobFileGetName | Gets directory object and file name from LOB locator |
OCILobFileIsOpen | Checks whether LOB is open |
OCILobFileOpen | Opens BFILE |
OCILobFileSetName | Sets directory object and file name in LOB locator |
OCILobFlushBuffer | Flushes LOB buffer |
OCILobFreeTemporary | Frees temporary LOB |
OCILobGetChunkSize | Gets chunk size of LOB |
OCILobGetLength | Gets length of LOB |
OCILobIsEqual | Compares two LOB locators for equality |
OCILobIsTemporary | Determines if given LOB is temporary |
OCILobLoadFromFile | Loads LOB from BFILE |
OCILobLocatorIsInit | Checks to see if LOB locator is initialized |
OCILobRead | Reads portion of LOB |
OCILobTrim | Truncates LOB |
OCILobWrite | Writes into LOB |
OCILobWriteAppend | Writes data beginning at end of a LOB |
Command name | Purpose |
OCINumberAdd | Adds numbers |
OCINumberArcCos | Computes arc cosine |
OCINumberArcSin | Computes arc sine |
OCINumberArcTan | Computes arc tangent |
OCINumberArcTan2 | Computes arc tangent of two numbers |
OCINumberCos | Computes cosine |
OCINumberDiv | Divides two numbers |
OCINumberExp | Raises e to specified Oracle number power |
OCINumberFromText | Converts string to Oracle number |
OCINumberHypCos | Computes hyperbolic cosine |
OCINumberHypSin | Computes hyperbolic sine |
OCINumberHypTan | Computes hyperbolic tangent |
OCINumberIntPower | Raises given base to an integer power |
OCINumberLn | Computes natural logarithm |
OCINumberLog | Computes logarithm to arbitrary base |
OCINumberMul | Multiplies numbers |
OCINumberPower | Exponentiation to base e |
OCINumberRound | Rounds Oracle number to specified decimal place |
OCINumberSin | Computes sine |
OCINumberSqrt | Computes square root of number |
OCINumberSub | Subtracts numbers |
OCINumberTan | Computes tangent |
OCINumberToText | Converts Oracle number to string |
OCINumberTrunc | Truncates Oracle number at specified decimal place |
Command name | Purpose |
_o_OCICleanUp | Frees up memory used by objects |
OCIGetTnsnamesPath | Returns full path of Oracle home folder |
OCIOnErrCall | Installs error-handling method |
Note: These are 4D commands with no equivalent Oracle version.
Produkt: 4D
Thema: Summary of commands
4D for OCI ( 4D v16)