The SVG_New_text command inserts the text in text in the SVG container designated by parentSVGObject and returns its reference. If parentSVGObject is not an SVG document, an error is generated.
Note: Starting with 4D v15, the SVG_New_text command supports simple Styled text (the text can contain different styles, but SPAN attributes must not be nested). See example 5.
The optional x and y parameters can be used to specify the position on the X and Y axis of the upper corner of the first character of text. This point is situated differently according to the alignment value: to the left for a left alignment, to the right for a right alignment or in the center when the text is centered.
The SVG_New_text command accepts two different syntaxes for setting characters:
- You can pass various values in the font, size, style and alignment parameters: font and size can be used to specify the font and size, in points, to be used. When these parameters are omitted, the text will be written in Times New Roman 12 pts.
The optional style parameter gives information about the character style used. In the style parameter, you must pass one of the following values or a combination of several of them (or you can also use the corresponding 4D constants from the Font Styles theme):
0 = Plain
1 = Bold
2 = Italic
4 = Underline
8 = Strikethrough
The optional alignment parameter can be used to set the type of alignment to be applied to the drawn text. You can pass one of the following values:
2 = Align left
3 = Center
4 = Align right
The optional color parameter contains the name of the font color. (For more information about colors, please refer to the Colors and Gradients section).
The optional rotation parameter can be used to specify the rotation to be applied to the text.
The optional lineSpacing parameter can be used to specify the value of the line spacing if the text has more than one line. Default value = 1.
The optional stretching parameter can be used to specify a horizontal stretching (value >1) or condensing (value included between 0 and 1) factor of the text.
- Or you can pass a style definition in the styleDef parameter (instead of the font parameter) and then omit the following parameters. For example, you can pass:
... where the style_definition parameter contains a complete style definition. If you pass, for instance, "{font-size:48px;fill:red;}", this definition is added as a style attribute in the form:
In this case, any additional parameters are ignored.
Simple text using default text properties:
Text that is blue, italic, underlined and aligned to the right:
Condensed or expanded text:
$textID:=SVG_New_text($SVG;"Hello world (condensed)";0;0;"";-1;-1;-1;"blue";0;1;0,8)
$textID:=SVG_New_text($SVG;"Hello world (normal)";0;24)
$textID:=SVG_New_text($SVG;"Hello world (stretched)";0;48;"";-1;-1;-1;"red";0;1;2)
Display of multi-style text:
$Txt_buffer:="<SPAN STYLE=\"font-size:18pt\">Hello </SPAN>"+\
"<SPAN STYLE=\"font-size:24pt;font-weight:bold;color:#D81E05\">World</SPAN>"+\
"<SPAN STYLE=\"font-size:36pt\">!</SPAN><BR/>"+\
"<SPAN STYLE=\"font-size:19pt;font-style:italic\">It's </SPAN>"+\
"<SPAN STYLE=\"font-size:24pt\">Monday</SPAN>"
SVG_SET_FONT_COLOR(SVG_New_text($Dom_svg;"_______ svg_Newtext _______";10;30);"blue")