4D v16.3

WEB Is secured connection


4D v16.3
WEB Is secured connection

WEB Is secured connection 


WEB Is secured connection -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
Function result  Boolean in True = the web connection is secured. False = the web connection is not secured.

The WEB Is secured connection command returns a Boolean indicating if the 4D Web server connection was done in secured mode through TLS/SSL (the request starts with “https:” instead of “http:”).

  • If the connection is made through TLS or SSL, the function returns True.
  • If the connection is made in a non-secured mode, the function returns False.

Note: For more information on the TLS protocol, refer to the Using TLS Protocol section.

This command allows, for example, denying connections made in a non-secured mode (if any).

See also 

Using TLS Protocol


Product: 4D
Theme: Web Server
Number: 698

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v6.7
Renamed: 4D v13


4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)