4D v16.3Typing Guide |
4D v16.3
Typing Guide
Check box |
3D check box |
Button |
Highlight button |
Invisible button |
3D button |
Picture button |
Button grid |
Radio button |
3D radio button |
Radio picture |
Picture menu |
Hierarchical pop-up menu |
Hierarchical list |
Ruler |
Dial |
Thermometer |
List box (selection type) |
Note: The Ruler, Dial and Thermometer form variables are always typed as Reals, even if you choose Long integer as the Default Button Type in the Preferences.
For one of these variables, the only data type conflict that could arise would be if the name of a variable were identical to that of another one located elsewhere in the database. In this case, rename the second variable.
A plug-in area is always a Longint. There can never be a data type conflict.
For a plug-in area, the only possible data type conflict that could arise would be if the name of a variable were identical to that of another one located elsewhere in the database. In this case, rename the second variable.
4D Write Pro areas are always Object type variables. There cannot be any typing conflict, unless the same variable name is used in another part of the application.
These variables are of the following types:
Non-enterable variable |
Enterable variable |
Drop-down list |
Menu/drop-down list |
Scrollable area |
Combo box |
Pop-up Menu |
Tab control |
Web area |
Column of (array type) list box. |
These variables are divided into two categories:
- simple variables (enterable and non-enterable variables)
- display variables (drop-down lists, menus/drop-down lists, scrollable areas, pop-up menus, combo boxes, tab controls and columns of list boxes).
Each list box adds several variables in the forms. The default type of these variables depends on the type of list box:
Array type list boxes | Selection type list boxes | |
List box | Boolean array | Number (not used) |
Column of list box | Text array | Dynamic typing |
Header | Number | Number |
Footer | Dynamic typing | Dynamic typing |
Row control array | Boolean array (Longint array accepted) | - |
Styles | Longint array | Longint |
Font colors | Longint array | Longint |
Background colors | Longint array | Longint |
Make sure that you identify and type these variables and arrays correctly in order to avoid generating conflicts during compilation.
When you use pointers in your database, you take advantage of a powerful and versatile 4D tool. The compiler preserves all the benefits of pointers.
A pointer can point to variables of different data types. Do not create a conflict by assigning different data types to a variable. Be careful not to change the data type of a variable to which a pointer refers.
Here is an example of this problem:
In this case, your dereferenced pointer is a Real variable. By assigning it a Boolean value, you create a data type conflict.
If you need to use pointers for different purposes in the same method, make sure that your pointers are defined:
A pointer is always defined in relation to the object to which it refers. That is why the compiler cannot detect data type conflicts created by pointers. In case of a conflict, you will get no error message while you are in the typing phase or in the compilation phase.
This does not mean that the compiler has no way to detect conflicts involving pointers. The compiler can verify your use of pointers when you check the Range Checking option in the compilation Preferences (see the Design Reference manual).
During compilation, the compiler analyzes the definitions of the plug-in commands used in the database, i.e. the number and type of parameters of these commands. There is no danger of confusion at the typing level if your calls are consistent with the declaration of the method.
Make sure that your plug-ins are installed in the PlugIns folder, in one of the locations authorized by 4D: next to the database structure file or next to the executable application (Windows) / in the software package (Mac OS). For compatibility reasons, it is still possible to use the Win4DX or Mac4DX folder next to the structure file. For more information, refer to the Installation Guide of 4D.
The compiler does not duplicate these files, but analyzes them to determine the proper declaration of their routines.
If your plug-ins are located elsewhere, the compiler will ask you to locate them during typing, via an Open file dialog box.
Certain plug-ins, for example 4D Write, implement commands that implicitly call 4D commands.
Take the example of 4D Write. The syntax for the WR ON EVENT command is:
WR ON EVENT(area;event;eventMethod)
The last parameter is the name of the method that you have created in 4D. This method is called by 4D Write each time the event is received. It automatically receives the following parameters:
Parameters | Type | Description |
$0 | Longint | Function return |
$1 | Longint | 4D Write area |
$2 | Longint | Shift key |
$3 | Longint | Alt key (Windows); Option key (Mac OS) |
$4 | Longint | Ctrl key (Windows), Command key (Mac OS) |
$5 | Longint | Type of event |
$6 | Longint | Value depends on the Event parameter |
For the compiler to take these parameters into account, you must make sure that they have been typed, either by a compiler directive, or by their usage in the method. If they have been used procedurally, the usage has to be explicit enough to be able to deduce the type clearly.
4D can be used to create and work with components. A 4D component is a set of 4D objects representing one or more functionalities and grouped in a structure file (called the matrix database), that can be installed in different databases (called host databases).
A host database running in interpreted mode can use either interpreted or compiled components indifferently. It is possible to install both interpreted and compiled components in the same host database. On the other hand, a host database running in compiled mode cannot use interpreted components. In this case, only compiled components can be used.
An interpreted host database containing interpreted components can be compiled if it does not call any methods of the interpreted component. If this is not the case, a warning dialog box appears when you attempt to compile the application and compilation is not possible.
A naming conflict can occur when a shared project method of the component has the same name as a project method of the host database. In this case, when the code is executed in the context of the host database, the method of the host database is called. This means that it is possible to “mask” the method of the component with a custom method (for example, to obtain a different functionality). When the code is executed in the context of the component, the method of the component is called. This masking will be indicated by a warning in the event of compilation of the host database.
If two components share methods having the same name, an error is generated when the host database is compiled.
For more information about components, please refer to the Design Reference manual.
The handling of local variables follows all the rules that have already been stated. As with all other variables, their data types cannot be altered while the method executes. In this section, we examine two instances that could lead to data type conflicts:
A variable cannot be retyped. However, it is possible to use a pointer to refer to variables of different data types.
As an example, consider a function that returns the memory size of a one-dimensional array. In all but two cases, the result is a Real; for Text arrays and Picture arrays, the memory size depends on values that cannot be expressed numerically (see the Arrays and Memory section).
For Text and Picture arrays, the result is returned as a string of characters. This function requires a parameter: a pointer to the array whose memory size we want to know.
There are two methods to carry out this operation:
MemSize function, only in interpreted mode (example for Macintosh)
$Size:=Size of array($1->)
Case of
:($Type=Real array)
$0:=8+($Size*10) ` $0 is a Real
:($Type=Integer array)
:($Type=LongInt array)
:($Type=Date array)
:($Type=Text array)
$0:=String(8+($Size*4))+("+Sum of text lengths") ` $0 is a Text
:($Type=Picture array)
$0:=String(8+($Size*4))+("+Sum of picture sizes") ` $0 is a Text
:($Type=Pointer array)
:($Type=Boolean array)
End case
In the above method, the data type of $0 changes according to the value of $1; therefore, it is not compatible with the compiler.
MemSize function in interpreted and compiled modes (example for Macintosh)
Here, the method is written using pointers:
$Size:=Size of array($1->)
Case of
:($Type=Real array)
VarNum:=8+($Size*10) ` VarNum is a Real
:($Type=Integer array)
:($Type=LongInt array)
:($Type=Date array)
:($Type=Text array)
VarText:=String(8+($Size*4))+("+Sum of text lengths")
:($Type=Picture array)
VarText:=String(8+($Size*4))+("+Sum of picture sizes")
:($Type=Pointer array)
:($Type=Boolean array)
End case
End if
Here are the key differences between the two functions:
The compiler manages the power and versatility of parameter indirection. In interpreted mode, 4D gives you a free hand with numbers and data types of parameters. You retain this freedom in compiled mode, provided that you do not introduce data type conflicts and that you do not use more parameters than you passed in the calling method.
To prevent possible conflicts, parameters addressed by indirection must all be of the same data type.
This indirection is best managed if you respect the following convention: if only some of the parameters are addressed by indirection, they should be passed after the others.
Within the method, an indirection address is formatted: ${$i}, where $i is a numeric variable. ${$i} is called a generic parameter.
As an example, consider a function that adds values and returns the sum formatted according to a format that is passed as a parameter. Each time this method is called, the number of values to be added may vary. We must pass the values as parameters to the method and the format in the form of a character string. The number of values can vary from call to call.
This function is called in the following manner:
In this case, the calling method will get the string “182.70”, which is the sum of the numbers, formatted as specified. The function's parameters must be passed in the correct order: first the format and then the values.
Here is the function, named MySum:
For($i;2;Count parameters)
End for
This function can now be called in various ways:
As with other local variables, it is not necessary to declare generic parameters by compiler directive. When required (in cases of ambiguity or for optimization), it is done using the following syntax:
This command means that all parameters starting from the fourth (included) will be addressed by indirection and will be of the data type Longint. $1, $2 and $3 can be of any data type. However, if you use $2 by indirection, the data type used will be the generic type. Thus, it will be of the data type Longint, even if for you it was, for instance, of the data type Real.
Note: The compiler uses this command in the typing phase. The number in the declaration has to be a constant and not a variable.
Some 4D variables and constants are assigned a data type and an identity by the compiler. Therefore, you cannot create a new variable, method, function or plug-in command using any of these variables or constant names. You can test their values and use them as you do in interpreted mode.
Here is a complete list of 4D System Variables with their data types.
Variable | Type |
OK | Longint |
Document | Text |
FldDelimit | Longint |
RecDelimit | Longint |
Error | Longint |
Error method | Text |
Error line | Longint |
Error formula | Text |
MouseDown | Longint |
KeyCode | Longint |
Modifiers | Longint |
MouseX | Longint |
MouseY | Longint |
MouseProc | Longint |
When you create a calculated column in a report, 4D automatically creates a variable C1 for the first one, C2 for the second one, C3 and so forth. This is done transparently.
If you use these variables in methods, keep in mind that, like other variables, C1, C2, ... Cn cannot be retyped.
A complete list of the predefined constants in 4D can be found using the List of constant themes. 4D constants are also displayed in the Explorer in Design mode.
Error messages
Optimization Hints
Syntax Details
System Variables
Using Compiler Directives
Product: 4D
Theme: Compiler
Modified: 4D v15 R4
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)