4D v16.3Current date |
4D v16.3
Current date
Current date
The Current date command returns the current date as kept by the system clock. 4D Server: If you use the asterisk (*) parameter when executing this function on a 4D Client machine, it returns the current date from the server. The following example displays an alert box containing the current date: ALERT("The date is "+String(Current date)+".") If you write an application for the international market, you may need to know if the version of 4D that you run works with dates formatted as MM/DD/YYYY (US version) or DD/MM/YYYY (French version). This is useful to know for customizing data entry fields. The following project method allows you to do so: ` Sys date format global function
See also
Product: 4D HISTORY
Created: < 4D v6 ARTICLE USAGE
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16) |