4D View v16

PV Triggers


4D View v16
PV Triggers

PV Triggers 


  • Los trigges que comienzan por "pv trigger input" sólo se pueden utilizar para la acción de entrada de datos (constante de propiedad "pv input trigger" ).
  • Los trigges que comienzan por "pv trigger selection" sólo se puede utilizar para la acción de selección de datos (constante de propiedad "pv select trigger").
  • Los otros triggers pueden utilizarse para las acciones de entrada de datos y selección. También se puede utilizar con la constante de propiedad "pv drag trigger". Es posible acumular varios valores para un mismo trigger. Cuando un mismo trigger se define para las acciones de entrada de datos y selección, el trigger de entrada tiene prioridad.
  • La expresión "ctrl" se refiere a la tecla Ctrl en Windows y Comando bajo MacOS.


Constante  Tipo Valor Comentario
pv trigger input key  Entero largo 1 Data entry is triggered by any keystroke. In this case, browsing between cells is only possible using the keyboard (Tab and Shift+Tab to move horizontally, Carriage return and Shift+Carriage return to move vertically, or the arrow keys).
pv trigger input on enter  Entero largo 2 Data entry is triggered by the Enter key (numerical keypad).
pv trigger input on gain sel  Entero largo 4 Data entry is triggered in the cell which has the focus. In this mode, as soon as a cell is selected, it takes the focus and the cursor becomes an input cursor.
pv trigger none  Entero largo 0
  • Dragging: Impossible to drag from this area.
  • Data entry: Data entry is deactivated (no event will trigger input), even if a key is allowed in the data input mode (see constant pv input enter key mode). Data entry is, however, still possible using the Formula Editor toolbar, and the selection may be changed as well.
  • Selection: Il is not possible to specify a selection. It is still possible to enter data in the selection that was current before the command was executed—Tab and Carriage return keys move the active cell within the selection.
pv trigger on alt click  Entero largo 32
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using an Alt+click combination.
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a Alt+click combination in a cell.
  • Selection: Selection is defined using the Alt+click combination.
pv trigger on alt double click  Entero largo 64
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using an Alt+double-click combination.
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a Alt+double-click combination in a cell.
  • Selection: Selection is defined using the Alt+double-click combination.
pv trigger on click  Entero largo 8
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using a mouse click.
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a click in a cell. Unlike the pv trigger input on gain sel constant, no input cursor is displayed.
  • Selection: Selection is defined via mouse clicks.
pv trigger on ctrl click  Entero largo 128
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using a Ctrl+click combination (Command+click on Mac OS).
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a Ctrl+click (Command+click on Mac OS) combination in a cell.
  • Selection: Selection is defined using the Ctrl+click combination (Command+click on Mac OS).
pv trigger on ctrl double click  Entero largo 256
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using a Ctrl+double-click combination (Command+double-click on Mac OS).
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a Ctrl+double-click (Command+double-click on Mac OS) combination in a cell.
  • Selection: Selection is defined using the Ctrl+double-click combination (Command+double-click on Mac OS).
pv trigger on double click  Entero largo 16
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using a mouse double-click.
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a double-click in a cell. A single click does not permit input.
  • Selection: Selection is defined (active cell only) via mouse double-clicks. Extending or reducing a selection is not possible.
pv trigger on shift click  Entero largo 512
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using a Shift+click combination.
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a Shift+click combination in a cell.
  • Selection: Selection is defined using the Shift+click combination.
pv trigger on shift double clic  Entero largo 1024
  • Dragging: The selection can be dragged using a Shift+double-click combination.
  • Data entry: Data entry is triggered by a Shift+double-click combination in a cell.
  • Selection: Selection is defined using the Shift+double-click combination.
pv trigger select on arrow  Entero largo 1 Selection is defined (active cell only) using the arrow keys. Extending or reducing a selection is not possible.
pv trigger select on return  Entero largo 4 Selection is defined (active cell only) using the Carriage Return key. Extending or reducing a selection is not possible.
pv trigger select on tab  Entero largo 2 Selection is defined (active cell only) using the Tab key or the Shift+Tab key combination. Extending or reducing a selection is not possible.

Ver también 

PV Get area property


Producto: 4D View
Tema: Lista de temas de constantes



4D View - Lenguaje ( 4D View v16)