4D View v16PV Propiedades documento |
4D View v16
PV Propiedades documento
Constante | Tipo | Valor | Comentario |
pv column count | Entero largo | 0 | Allows setting or reading of the number of columns displayed in the area. |
pv document modified | Entero largo | 4 | Allows setting or reading of the "modified" attribute of area. Associated values: pv value on or pv value off.
pv no external call | Entero largo | 3 | Allows forbidding of calls to 4D variables, methods and commands in the formulas of the area. Associated values: pv value on or pv value off.
pv picture count | Entero largo | 2 | This constant is read-only ( PV Get document property command). It returns the number of pictures pasted into the area. |
pv row count | Entero largo | 1 | Allows setting or reading of the number of rows displayed in the area. |
Producto: 4D View
Tema: Lista de temas de constantes
4D View - Lenguaje ( 4D View v16)