4D View v16PV Style values |
4D View v16
PV Style values
Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
pv value base style mixed | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value color mixed | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value font name mixed | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value font size mixed | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value format mixed | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value hor alignment center | Longint | 2 | Applies center horizontal alignment to the cell. |
pv value hor alignment default | Longint | 0 | Applies horizontal alignment by default to the cell. |
pv value hor alignment left | Longint | 1 | Applies left horizontal alignment to the cell. |
pv value hor alignment mixed | Longint | 255 | Applies mixed horizontal alignment to the cell. |
pv value hor alignment right | Longint | 3 | Applies right horizontal alignment to the cell. |
pv value ignore | Longint | 2 | |
pv value ignore base style | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value ignore color | Longint | -1 | |
pv value ignore font name | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value ignore font size | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value ignore format | Longint | 65535 | |
pv value ignore hor alignment | Longint | 255 | |
pv value ignore rotation | Longint | 255 | |
pv value ignore vert alignment | Longint | 255 | |
pv value mixed | Longint | 2 | |
pv value none | Longint | -3 | Aucune valeur définie |
pv value off | Longint | 0 | Does not apply value to cell. |
pv value on | Longint | 1 | Applies value to cell. |
pv value rotation 0 | Longint | 0 | No rotation applied to the cell. |
pv value rotation 180 | Longint | 2 | Applies rotation of 180°. |
pv value rotation 270 | Longint | 3 | Applies rotation of 270° to the left. |
pv value rotation 90 | Longint | 1 | Applies rotation of 90° to the left. |
pv value rotation mixed | Longint | 255 | Applies mixed rotation to the left. |
pv value vert alignment bottom | Longint | 3 | Applies bottom vertical alignment to the cell. |
pv value vert alignment center | Longint | 2 | Applies center vertical alignment to the cell. |
pv value vert alignment mixed | Longint | 255 | Applies mixed vertical alignment to the cell. |
pv value vert alignment top | Longint | 1 | Applies top vertical alignment to the cell. |
PV Get cell property
PV Get range property
PV Get style property
Product: 4D View
Theme: Constant Theme List
4D View Language ( 4D View v16)