pv cmd calculate now |
Longint |
120 |
pv cmd calculation mode |
Longint |
119 |
pv cmd db import fields |
Longint |
213 |
pv cmd db import report |
Longint |
214 |
pv cmd db linked cells |
Longint |
215 |
pv cmd db linked pictures |
Longint |
217 |
pv cmd document information |
Longint |
109 |
pv cmd edit clear all |
Longint |
234 |
pv cmd edit clear borders |
Longint |
233 |
pv cmd edit clear formats |
Longint |
232 |
pv cmd edit clear formulas |
Longint |
230 |
pv cmd edit clear other |
Longint |
235 |
pv cmd edit clear values |
Longint |
231 |
pv cmd edit copy |
Longint |
4 |
pv cmd edit cut |
Longint |
3 |
pv cmd edit delete |
Longint |
136 |
pv cmd edit fill down |
Longint |
134 |
pv cmd edit fill right |
Longint |
135 |
pv cmd edit find |
Longint |
125 |
pv cmd edit find next |
Longint |
126 |
pv cmd edit go to |
Longint |
129 |
pv cmd edit go to last cell |
Longint |
130 |
pv cmd edit move |
Longint |
124 |
pv cmd edit paste |
Longint |
5 |
pv cmd edit redo |
Longint |
2 |
pv cmd edit repeat |
Longint |
122 |
pv cmd edit replace |
Longint |
127 |
pv cmd edit replace next |
Longint |
128 |
pv cmd edit select all |
Longint |
7 |
pv cmd edit set name |
Longint |
170 |
pv cmd edit sort |
Longint |
131 |
pv cmd edit special paste |
Longint |
123 |
pv cmd edit undo |
Longint |
1 |
pv cmd export |
Longint |
105 |
pv cmd export area clear |
Longint |
107 |
pv cmd export area set |
Longint |
106 |
pv cmd export area show |
Longint |
108 |
pv cmd file new |
Longint |
100 |
pv cmd file open |
Longint |
101 |
pv cmd file page setup |
Longint |
110 |
pv cmd file preferences |
Longint |
118 |
pv cmd file print document |
Longint |
114 |
pv cmd file print formulas |
Longint |
113 |
pv cmd file print preview |
Longint |
112 |
pv cmd file printing options |
Longint |
111 |
pv cmd file save |
Longint |
102 |
pv cmd file save as |
Longint |
103 |
pv cmd file save template |
Longint |
104 |
pv cmd format borders |
Longint |
202 |
pv cmd format cells |
Longint |
187 |
pv cmd format col default W |
Longint |
175 |
pv cmd format column auto width |
Longint |
174 |
pv cmd format column hide |
Longint |
179 |
pv cmd format column show |
Longint |
180 |
pv cmd format column width |
Longint |
173 |
pv cmd format row auto height |
Longint |
177 |
pv cmd format row default H |
Longint |
178 |
pv cmd format row height |
Longint |
176 |
pv cmd format row hide |
Longint |
181 |
pv cmd format row show |
Longint |
182 |
pv cmd format style sheets |
Longint |
188 |
pv cmd freeze panes |
Longint |
171 |
pv cmd freeze references |
Longint |
121 |
pv cmd go to full screen |
Longint |
20 |
Compatibility Note: Starting with 4D View v14, the expansion of the plug-in area is limited to the form size and no longer changes the 4D interface. In addition, the action is now asynchronous, which means that switching to full screen does not suspend the execution of the calling method anymore. |
pv cmd insert cell |
Longint |
154 |
pv cmd insert column |
Longint |
155 |
pv cmd insert column break |
Longint |
211 |
pv cmd insert row |
Longint |
156 |
pv cmd insert row break |
Longint |
212 |
pv cmd linked columns arrays |
Longint |
219 |
pv cmd linked columns fields |
Longint |
218 |
pv cmd print area clear |
Longint |
116 |
pv cmd print area set |
Longint |
115 |
pv cmd print area show |
Longint |
117 |
pv cmd security hide |
Longint |
183 |
pv cmd security lock |
Longint |
185 |
pv cmd security show |
Longint |
184 |
pv cmd security unlock |
Longint |
186 |
pv cmd unfreeze panes |
Longint |
172 |
pv cmd view col headers |
Longint |
142 |
pv cmd view formula |
Longint |
141 |
pv cmd view grid |
Longint |
144 |
pv cmd view Hscrollbar |
Longint |
146 |
pv cmd view menu bar |
Longint |
140 |
pv cmd view page breaks |
Longint |
147 |
pv cmd view pictures |
Longint |
149 |
pv cmd view references |
Longint |
148 |
pv cmd view row headers |
Longint |
143 |
pv cmd view toolbar border |
Longint |
153 |
pv cmd view toolbar number |
Longint |
151 |
pv cmd view toolbar standard |
Longint |
150 |
pv cmd view toolbar style |
Longint |
152 |
pv cmd view Vscrollbar |
Longint |
145 |
pv pal border all |
Longint |
207 |
pv pal border bottom |
Longint |
203 |
pv pal border color |
Longint |
210 |
pv pal border columns |
Longint |
205 |
pv pal border frame |
Longint |
204 |
pv pal border kind |
Longint |
209 |
pv pal border none |
Longint |
208 |
pv pal border rows |
Longint |
206 |
pv pal format string |
Longint |
160 |
pv pal formula cancel |
Longint |
221 |
pv pal formula validate |
Longint |
222 |
pv pal number align auto |
Longint |
189 |
pv pal number align center |
Longint |
191 |
pv pal number align left |
Longint |
190 |
pv pal number align right |
Longint |
192 |
pv pal number money |
Longint |
201 |
pv pal number percentage |
Longint |
200 |
pv pal number scientific |
Longint |
199 |
pv pal standard sort asc |
Longint |
132 |
pv pal standard sort desc |
Longint |
133 |
pv pal standard zoom |
Longint |
139 |
pv pal style bold |
Longint |
196 |
pv pal style font name |
Longint |
193 |
pv pal style font size |
Longint |
194 |
pv pal style italic |
Longint |
197 |
pv pal style style sheet |
Longint |
195 |
pv pal style underline |
Longint |
198 |