4D View v16

Anexo A: Códigos de error de 4D View


4D View v16
Anexo A: Códigos de error de 4D View

Anexo A: Códigos de error de 4D View  



Esta lista muestra los códigos de error devueltos por 4D View en sus métodos de gestión de errores. Estos códigos son utilizados por los comandos PV GET LAST ERROR y PV ON ERROR.

No.Mensaje de error
1Unknown error
2Invalid command
3Obsolete command
4Obsolete parameter
5Parameter is out of range
6Invalid array name
7Invalid array type
8Numeric array expected
9Text array expected
10Invalid array count
11Array counts are not the same
12Invalid variable type
13Empty picture
14External area expected
154D View plug-in area expected
164D Calc plug-in area expected
17ALP plug-in area expected
18Out of memory
19Error while reading or writing document
20Not a 4D View document
21Not a 4D Calc document
22Not a SYLK document
23Invalid document format
24Document version is too recent
25Document seems to be damaged
26Document already exists
27Document does not exist
28Invalid property
29This property is “read-only”
30Select mode value is invalid
31Select action value is invalid
32Carriage return value is invalid
33Arrow keys value is invalid
34Enter key value is invalid
35Sort value is invalid
36Invalid border edge value
37Invalid border style value
38Invalid style target
39Invalid direction
40Invalid alignment
41Invalid rotation
42Obsolete border style
43Invalid header type
44Invalid date & time format
45Invalid picture format
46Invalid color
47Invalid style value
48Invalid drag&drop behavior
49Invalid style sheet reference
50Invalid format reference
52Invalid font reference
53Invalid picture number
54Invalid selected range number
55Invalid vertical splitter number
56Invalid horizontal splitter number
57Last pane cannot be removed
58Invalid pane width
59Invalid pane height
60Invalid column number
61Invalid row number
62Cell is linked
63Invalid cell range
64Invalid number of columns/rows to insert
65Invalid number of columns/rows to delete
66Invalid formula
67Invalid column width
68Invalid row height
69Invalid cell name
70Name already used
71No linked column
72Linked columns do not have the same row count
73Linked fields do not have the same master table
74Invalid calculated value type
75Invalid table or field
76Invalid table
77Invalid field
78Invalid field type
79No current selection
80No current record
81No valued cells to print
82Invalid statistics
83Invalid condition
84Invalid table
85Stylesheet already exists
86Invalid operation in a linked area.
87Sort selection not valid.
88Print property not valid.
89Property value not valid.
90Invalid print settings.
91This command can only be applied if there is at least one horizontal splitter and one vertical splitter.
92No splitter can be added when panes are frozen.

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Producto: 4D View
Tema: Anexos



4D View - Lenguaje ( 4D View v16)