4D Internet Commands v16POP3_MsgLst |
4D Internet Commands v16
The POP3_MsgLst command is used to get specific information of mailbox contents. hdrArray is a string or text array which lists the specific mail headers you wish to retrieve. valueArray is a 2-dimensional array which receives the data for each header specified in hdrArray. Each requested header will have a corresponding array in the first dimension of valueArray. This command allows the user to request specific columns of the message list. This command can only return values of header items, it cannot be used to retrieve the body of a message. Note: Since mail headers can include extended characters, you can automate their management using the POP3_Charset command. aHeaders{1}:="Date:" Errors are handled in the following manner: 1) Only communication-related error codes will be returned. If the command can't complete its task because of an error (network, syntax, server, etc.) then the appropriate error code will be returned. 2) If a message within the specified range of messages does not exist or gets an error: 3) The inability to locate any or all of the specified headers within any message does not constitute an error: Note: The POP3_Delete, POP3_MsgLstInfo and POP3_MsgLst commands do not return an error if the startMsg is greater than the endMsg. In the event that this occurs, this command – in effect – does nothing.
See also
Product: 4D Internet Commands
Created: 4D Internet Commands 6.5 ARTICLE USAGE
4D Internet Commands ( 4D Internet Commands v16) |