4D v14
The SUBSTRING function returns a substring of the first arithmetic_expression passed. The second arithmetic_expression indicates the starting position of the substring and the optional third arithmetic_expression indicates the number of characters to return counting from the starting position indicated. If the third arithmetic_expression is not passed, the function will return all the characters starting from the position indicated.
This example will return 4 characters of the store name starting with the 2nd character:
SELECT SUBSTRING(Store_name,2,4)
FROM Geography
WHERE Store_name = 'Paris';
Product: 4D
Theme: Functions
4D SQL Reference ( 4D v11 SQL Release 4 )
4D SQL Reference ( 4D v14)
4D SQL Reference ( 4D v12.1)
4D SQL Reference ( 4D v13.4)
4D SQL Reference ( 4D v14 R2)
4D SQL Reference ( 4D v14 R3)
4D SQL Reference ( 4D v14 R4)