4D v14

Publishing preferences


4D v14
Publishing preferences

Publishing preferences  



You can set parameters concerning the network configuration of 4D Server databases on the “IP configuration” tab of the Client-Server page in the Database settings (accessible on both remote 4D machines and 4D Server):

These parameters are detailed in this section.

This table allows you to set access control rules for the database depending on 4D remote machine IP addresses. This option allows reinforcing security, for example, for strategic applications.

Note: This configuration table does not control Web connections.

The behavior of the configuration table is as follows:

  • The “Allow-Deny” column allows selecting the type of rule to apply (Allow or Deny) using a pop-up menu. To add a rule, click on the Add button. A new row appears in the table. The Delete button lets you remove the current row.
  • The “IP Address” column allows setting the IP address(es) concerned by the rule. To specify an address, click in the column and enter the address in the following form:
    You can use an * (asterisk) character to specify “starts with” type addresses. For example, 192.168.* indicates all addresses starting with 192.168.
  • The application of rules is based on the display order of the table. If two rules are contradictory, priority is given to the rule located highest in the table.
    You can re-order rows by modifying the current sort (click the header of the column to alternate the direction of the sort). You can also move rows using drag and drop.
  • For security reasons, only addresses that actually match a rule will be allowed to connect.
    In other words, if the table only contains one or more Deny rules, all addresses will be refused because none will match at least one rule. If you want to deny only certain addresses (and allow others), add an Allow * rule at the end of the table. For example:
    - Deny 192.168.* (deny all addresses beginning with 192.168)
    - Allow * (but allow all other addresses)
    By default, no connection restrictions are applied by 4D Server: the first row of the table contains the Allow label and the * (all addresses) character.


Product: 4D
Theme: Using 4D Server


Configuration preferences
Encrypting Client/Server Connections


4D Server Reference ( 4D v13)
4D Server Reference ( 4D Server v12)
4D Server Reference ( 4D v14 R2)
4D Server Reference ( 4D v14)
4D Server Reference ( 4D v14 R3)
4D Server Reference ( 4D Server v14 R4)

Parent of : Publishing preferences ( 4D Server v11 SQL Release 6)