4D v14.3Introduction to the 4D Language |
4D v14.3
Introduction to the 4D Language
Operator | Operation | Example |
+ | Addition | 1 + 2 results in 3 |
– | Subtraction | 3 – 2 results in 1 |
* | Multiplication | 2 * 3 results in 6 |
/ | Division | 6 / 2 results in 3 |
Numeric operators are just one type of operator available to you. 4D supports many different types of data, such as numbers, text, dates, and pictures, so there are operators that perform operations on these different data types.
The same symbols are often used for different operations, depending on the data type. For example, the plus sign (+) performs different operations with different data:
Data Type | Operation | Example |
Number | Addition | 1 + 2 adds the numbers and results in 3 |
String | Concatenation | “Hello ” + “there” concatenates (joins together) |
the strings and results in “Hello there” | ||
Date and Number | Date addition | !1/1/1989! + 20 adds 20 days to the date |
January 1, 1989, and results in the date | ||
January 21, 1989 |
The operators are fully defined in the chapter Operators and its subsections.
Simply put, expressions return a value. In fact, when using the 4D language, you use expressions all the time and tend to think of them only in terms of the value they represent. Expressions are also sometimes referred to as formulas.
Expressions are made up of almost all the other parts of the language: commands, operators, variables, and fields. You use expressions to build statements (lines of code), which in turn are used to build methods. The language uses expressions wherever it needs a piece of data.
Expressions rarely “stand alone.” There are only a few places in 4D where an expression can be used by itself:
An expression can simply be a constant, such as the number 4 or the string “Hello.” As the name implies, a constant’s value never changes. It is when operators are introduced that expressions start to get interesting. In preceding sections you have already seen expressions that use operators. For example, 4 + 2 is an expression that uses the addition operator to add two numbers together and return the result 6.
You refer to an expression by the data type it returns. There are seven expression types:
The following table gives examples of each of the seven types of expressions.
Expression | Type | Explanation |
“Hello” | String | The word Hello is a string constant, |
indicated by the double quotation marks. | ||
“Hello ” + “there” | String | Two strings, “Hello ” and “there”, |
are added together (concatenated) | ||
with the string concatenation operator (+). | ||
The string “Hello there” is returned. | ||
“Mr. ” + [People]Name | String | Two strings are concatenated: |
the string “Mr. ” and the current value | ||
of the Name field in the People table. | ||
If the field contains “Smith”, the expression | ||
returns “Mr. Smith”. | ||
Uppercase (“smith”) | String | This expression uses “Uppercase”, |
a command from the language, | ||
to convert the string “smith” to uppercase. | ||
It returns “SMITH”. | ||
4 | Number | This is a number constant, 4. |
4 * 2 | Number | Two numbers, 4 and 2, are multiplied |
using the multiplication operator (*). | ||
The result is the number 8. | ||
My Button | Number | This is the name of a button. |
It returns the current value of the button: | ||
1 if it was clicked, 0 if not. | ||
!1/25/97! | Date | This is a date constant for the date 1/25/97 |
(January 25, 1997). | ||
Current date + 30 | Date | This is a date expression that uses |
the command “Current date” to get today’s date. | ||
It adds 30 days to today’s date and returns | ||
the new date. | ||
?8:05:30? | Time | This is a time constant that represents 8 hours, |
5 minutes, and 30 seconds. | ||
?2:03:04? + ?1:02:03? | Time | This expression adds two times together and |
returns the time 3:05:07. | ||
True | Boolean | This command returns the Boolean value TRUE. |
10 # 20 | Boolean | This is a logical comparison between two numbers. |
The number sign (#) means “is not equal to”. | ||
Since 10 “is not equal to” 20, the expression | ||
returns TRUE. | ||
“ABC” = “XYZ” | Boolean | This is a logical comparison between two strings. |
They are not equal, so the expression returns FALSE. | ||
My Picture + 50 | Picture | This expression takes the picture in My Picture, |
moves it 50 pixels to the right, and returns | ||
the resulting picture. | ||
->[People]Name | Pointer | This expression returns a pointer to the field |
called [People]Name. | ||
Table (1) | Pointer | This is a command that returns a pointer to |
the first table. |
Product: 4D
Theme: Language definition
Data Types
4D Language Reference ( 4D v12.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v11 SQL Release 6)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R3)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v13.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14.3)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v14 R4)