4D v14.3Appendix A: Assigning a custom help file |
4D v14.3
Appendix A: Assigning a custom help file
Appendix A: Assigning a custom help file
4D allows you to associate a custom on-line help file with each database. The on-line help system provided with 4D is compatible with each 4D work environment (stand-alone database or client-server, interpreted or compiled, run using 4D Desktop Interpreted, or integrated into a 4D Desktop Volume, etc.). 4D supports two help files formats: CHM and HTML. These formats correspond to the industry standards. Moreover, you can associate a specific section of this help file with each of the database’s forms, which allows you to provide contextual on-line help. You must use one of the following formats:
Once the Help file generated, you need to associate it with a database so that it is opened when users call the on-line help (see Calling the on-line help from a database below) To assign a help file to a database, make sure:
4D Server: If you want the help file to be accessible to all the client workstations, place it in the Resources folder. It will then be transferred to the client workstations automatically. Plug-ins can have a help file, which must be placed in the PlugIns folder both in a single-user application or in a client/server. The help file of the plug-in must have the same name as the plug-in with the extension .CHM or .HTM. For plug-ins provided as a folder, the help file must be placed: Components can also include a custom help file, placed next to the structure file of the component. For more information, refer to the On-line help for components. Creating contextual on-line help is done by associating a section number with each of your forms. When you call the on-line help from a form, the corresponding help page is displayed. When the user calls the on-line help, the help topic that has the same ID as the form is displayed. Contextual on-line help is available:
Assigning an ID number to a form is done in the form properties; for more information, refer to the Help section. Once you have assigned the ID number to the form, you need to assign the same ID number to the help file. This operation varies according to the format you are using:
If the section number passed in the form is 0 or if it does not exist in the file, 4D displays the first page of the help file. In 4D, you can call a database’s custom on-line help in two ways:
Note: Under Mac OS, the functioning of the F1 key can be customized. In Application mode, when the user presses the F1 key:
4D Design Reference ( 4D v14 R2) |