The commands and functions of this theme allow controlling styles associated with a 4D View area.
They give access to existing style sheets and allow modifying, by programming, each format property: display formats, available fonts, colors and attributes.
Finally, these commands allow controlling the application and updating style sheets within your documents.
In 4D View, style sheets are accessible using their reference number, in the form of a long integer.
By default, there are three permanent types of style sheets:
- Row/Column headers
- Cells
- Headers and footers
You can create, modify or delete your own style sheets, linking to a specific area. They are then saved with the 4D View area, either in an external document or within the 4D data itself.
By default, all system fonts are available in a 4D View area. However, certain commands allow managing fonts that can or cannot be used in a 4D View area. To delete a font in 4D View means that it is unusable within the concerned area. It will no longer be possible to call the font from the area, however, it will still be available for other 4D View areas, as well as in 4D and other applications.
Just like in 4D, formats are applied during information display.
For more information on how to define display fomats, refer to the 4D Design Reference manual.