4D View v14

PV Get vert pane property


4D View v14
PV Get vert pane property

PV Get vert pane property 


PV Get vert pane property ( area ; pane ; property ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D View area
pane  Integer in Vertical pane number
property  Longint in Property number
Function result  Longint in Property value

The PV Get vert pane property command returns the current value of the property of the vertical pane of area whose number is pane.

The following PV Pane properties constants are used to define the properties:

Constant Type Value Comment
pv pane lock scrollbar Longint 0 This property is inactive in an area in "frozen pane" mode
pv pane lock splitter Longint 1 This property is inactive in an area in "frozen pane" mode
pv pane view splitter cursor Longint 2 This property is inactive in an area in "frozen pane" mode
pv pane size in pixels Longint 3 This property is inactive in an area in "frozen pane" mode
pv pane first column Longint 4
pv pane columns count Longint 5
pv pane true scroll Longint 6 Indicates in pixels the scrolling value for the contents of the pane starting from the origin of the area (i.e. the first cell), regardless of the current position of the scrolling cursor. This property is inactive in an area that is in "frozen pane" mode.


Refer to the example for the PV SET VERT PANE PROPERTY command.


Product: 4D View
Theme: PV Panes
Number: 15962


Created: 4D View 6.8


PV Get hor pane property


4D View Language ( 4D View v11.4)
4D View Language ( 4D View v12)
4D View Language ( 4D v13)
4D View Language ( 4D View v14 R2)
4D View Language ( 4D View v14)
4D View Language ( 4D View v14 R3)
4D View Language ( 4D View v14 R4)