4D v16Support of joins |
4D v16
Support of joins
Support of joins
The SQL engine of 4D extends the support of joins. Join operations may be inner or outer, implicit or explicit. Implicit inner joins are support via the SELECT command. You can also generate explicit inner and outer joins using the SQL JOIN keyword. Note: The current implementation of joins in the 4D SQL engine does not include:
Join operations are used to make connections between the records of two or more tables and combine the result in a new table, called a join. You generate joins via SELECT statements that specify the join conditions. Starting with 4D v15 R4, outer joins involving two tables and outer joins involving three or more tables are different implementations and do not follow the same rules. Please refer below to the section that correspond to your needs. Note: Usually, in the database engine, the table order is determined by the order specified during the search. However, when you use joins, the order of the tables is determined by the list of tables. In the following example: To illustrate how joins work, we are going to use the following database throughout this section:
If you want, you can generate this database automatically by executing the following code: Begin SQL An inner join is based on a comparison to find matches between two columns. Here is an example of an implicit inner join: SELECT * In 4D, you can also use the JOIN keyword to specify an explicit inner join: SELECT * You can insert this query into 4D code as follows: ARRAY TEXT(aName;0) Here are the results of this join:
Note that neither the employees named Philip or Martin nor the Marketing or Quality departments appear in the resulting join because:
You can generate outer joins with 4D. With outer joins, it is not necessary for there to be a match between the rows of joined tables. The resulting table contains all the rows of the tables (or of at least one of the joined tables) even if there are no matching rows. This means that all the information of a table can be used, even if the rows are not completely filled in between the different joined tables. There are three types of outer joins, specified using the LEFT, RIGHT and FULL keywords. LEFT and RIGHT are used to indicate the table (located to the left or right of the JOIN keyword) where all the data must be processed. FULL indicates a bilateral outer join. Note: Only explicit outer joins are supported by 4D. With two-table outer joins, conditions can be complex but they must always be based on an equality comparison between the columns included in the join. For example, it is not possible to use the >= operator in an explicit join condition. Any type of comparison can be used in an implicit join. Internally, equality comparisons are carried out directly by the 4D engine, which ensures rapid execution The result of a left outer join (or left join) always contains all the records for the table located to the left of keyword even if the join condition does not find a matching record in the table located to the right. This means that for each row in the left table where the search does not find any matching row in the right table, the join will still contain this row but it will have NULL values in each column of the right table. In other words, a left outer join returns all the rows of the left table plus any of those of the right table that match the join condition (or NULL if none match). Note that if the right table contains more than one row that matches the join predicate for a single row of the left table, the values of the left table will be repeated for each distinct row of the right table. Here is an example of 4D code with a left outer join: ARRAY TEXT(aName;0) Here is the result of this join with our example database (additional rows shown in red):
A right outer join is the exact opposite of a left outer join. Its result always contains all the records of the table located to the right of the JOIN keyword even if the join condition does not find any matching record in the left table. Here is an example of 4D code with a right outer join: ARRAY TEXT(aName;0) Here is the result of this join with our example database (additional rows shown in red):
A full outer join simply combines together the results of a left outer join and a right outer join. The resulting join table contains all the records of the left and right tables and fills in the missing fields on each side with NULL values. Here is an example of 4D code with a full outer join: ARRAY TEXT(aName;0) Here is the result of this join with our example database (additional rows shown in red):
Starting with 4D v15 R4, the built-in SQL server extends the support of SQL outer joins to queries involving three or more tables. This specific implementation has its own rules and limitations, which are described in this section. Like two-table outer joins, outer joins with three or more tables can be LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL. For general information on outer joins, please refer to the Outer joins with two tables paragraph above. Unlike two-table outer joins, outer joins with three or more tables support several comparison operators, in addition to the equality (=): <, >, >=, or <=. These operators can be mixed within the ON clauses.
For example, the following query will be executed with success: SELECT * FROM T1 With our three tables, this example could be: ARRAY TEXT(aName;0) Here are the results:
On the other hand, the following three queries will be rejected since they violate certain rules: SELECT * FROM T1 SELECT * FROM SELECT * FROM T1 In general, if tables (Tx1, Tx2..., Txn) on the left of JOIN clause and tables (Ty1, Ty2..., Tym) on the right are being joined, then the ON expression must reference exactly one left table Txa and exactly one right table Tyb.
The following example with a 4D method call is supported because there are no non-inner sub-joins to join: SELECT * FROM T1 On the other hand, this example of 4D method call is not supported because non-inner sub-joins are being joined: SELECT * FROM
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4D - SQL Reference ( 4D v16) |