4D v16



4D v16



SVG_SCALING_CENTERED ( svgObject ; scale {; x ; y} )  
Parameter Type   Description
svgObject  SVG_Ref in SVG object reference
scale  Real in Scale value
Real in X axis
Real in Y axis

The SVG_SCALING_CENTERED command performs a centered scaling of the SVG image whose reference is passed in the svgObject parameter.

In the scale parameter, you pass a positive scale value (>1). If you pass 1, the scale is set to 100%.

In the optional x and y parameters, you can pass, respectively, the x- and y-axis coordinates for the center point. If you do not pass these parameters, the center point is determined based on the "x", "y", "width" and "height" attributes of the object (if any). If this type of transformation is applied to an object that does not have these attributes, and the optional x and y parameters are omitted, an empty string is returned.


Product: 4D
Theme: Utilities


Created: 4D v14


4D SVG Component ( 4D v16)