4D v16SVG Colors |
4D v16
SVG Colors
Format | Example |
#rgb | #f00 |
#rrggbb | #ff0000 |
rgb(r,g,b) | rgb(255,0,0) |
rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) |
The list of keywords, as well as their RGB equivalents, can be found in the 4D SVG Constants theme: SVG Colors (Names) and SVG Colors (RGB). You can also view this list and insert the color values directly via the 4D SVG Color palette. For more information, please refer to Development tools.
It is possible to specify the opacity in the color expressions of the component commands by using the syntax "color:opacity" where opacity is a number included between 0 (no color) and 100 (color completely opaque. So "red:50" will be interpreted as a red at 50% opacity.
Gradients are progressive transitions of color along a vector. These gradients are set with the SVG_Define_linear_gradient and SVG_Define_radial_gradient commands. Once set, the gradients are used by reference using the "url(#GradientName)" syntax.
Similarly, it is possible to set a custom color associated with an opacity using the SVG_Define_solidColor command.
Development tools
Product: 4D
Theme: Colors and Gradients
4D SVG Component ( 4D v16)