4D v16



4D v16



ODBC_SQLGetConnectAttr ( connectionID ; attribute ; valuePtr ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
connectionID  Lange Ganzzahl in Connection ID
attribute  Lange Ganzzahl in Attribute to retrieve
valuePtr  Zeiger in Pointer to the current value of the attribute
Funktionsergebnis  Lange Ganzzahl in Returns the result of the MS ODBC API function SQLGetConnectAttr

The ODBC_SQLGetConnectAttr command returns the current setting of a connection attribute passed in attribute. This command can be used in conjunction with ODBC_SetConnectAttr.

connectionID is a valid connection ID returned by either ODBC_SQLAllocConnect before or ODBC_SQLConnect after having established a connection to a data source depending on attribute.

attribute is the connection attribute to retrieve and can be one of the following values:

SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODERead-only or read-write
SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_ENABLEDefines if a function can be executed asynchronously
SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMITAutocommit or manual-commit mode
SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTNumber of seconds to wait for a request to complete
SQL_ATTR_CURRENT_CATALOGName of the catalog to be used by the data source
SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUTNumber of seconds to wait for a login request
SQL_ATTR_METADATA_IDDetermines how the string arguments of catalog functions are treated
SQL_ATTR_ODBC_CURSORSSpecifies how the Driver Manager uses the ODBC cursor
SQL_ATTR_PACKET_SIZENetwork packet size in bytes
SQL_ATTR_QUIET_MODEDoes not display any dialog boxes, except ODBC_SQLDriverConnect
SQL_ATTR_TRACETracing on or off
SQL_ATTR_TRACEFILEName of the trace file
SQL_ATTR_TRANSLATE_LIBName of a library containing to perform tasks, such as character set translation
SQL_ATTR_TRANSLATE_OPTIONA value passed to the trnaslation DLL
SQL_ATTR_TXN_ISOLATIONSet the transaction isolation level for connection

valuePtr is a pointer to the current value of the attribute defined in the attribute parameter. The variable valuePtr points to must be a String variable.

For more information, please see the SQLGetConnectAttr function in the MS ODBC API Reference at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms710297(VS.85).aspx.


The following method sets a connection attribute and then retrieves it:


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Produkt: 4D
Thema: ODBC_Driver attributes
Nummer: 16984


Erstellt: 4D ODBC Pro 2004


4D ODBC Pro ( 4D v16)