4D v16ODBC_SQLAllocConnect |
4D v16
The ODBC_SQLAllocConnect command allocates a connection handle to the connectionID parameter, which is a Longint variable that you pass to it. After calling this command, you can establish a connection to a specific data source by calling the ODBC_SQLConnect command. For more information, please see the SQLAllocHandle function in the MS ODBC API Reference at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714852(VS.85).aspx. SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_INVALID_HANDLE, or SQL_ERROR. See the example for the ODBC_SQLConnect command.
See also
Product: 4D
Created: 4D ODBC Pro 2004 ARTICLE USAGE
4D ODBC Pro ( 4D v16) |