4D v16.3Record number |
4D v16.3
Record number
Record number
Record number returns the physical record number for the current record of aTable. If there is no current record, such as when the record pointer is before or after the current selection, Record number returns –1. If the record is a new record that has not been saved, Record number returns –3. Record numbers can change. The record numbers of deleted records are reused. 4D Server: This command returns a different result for the On Validate form event depending on whether it is executed on 4D in local mode or 4D in remote mode. In local mode, the command returns a record number (the record is considered as already created). In remote mode, the command returns -3 because, in this case, the record is already created on the server but the information has not yet been sent to the client. Note: It is recommended to use the Is new record command to check whether a record is in the process of being created. The following example saves the current record number and then searches for any other records that have the same data: $RecNum:=Record number([People]) ` Get the record number
See also
About Record Numbers
Product: 4D HISTORY
Created: < 4D v6 ARTICLE USAGE
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16) |