4D v16.3Generate digest |
4D v16.3
Generate digest
Generate digest ( param ; algorithm ) -> Function result | ||||||||
Parameter | Type | Description | ||||||
param | BLOB, Text variable |
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Blob or text for which to get digest key | |||||
algorithm | Longint |
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Algorithm used to return key: 0 = MD5 Digest, 1 = SHA1 Digest, 2 = 4D digest |
Function result | Text |
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Value of digest key | |||||
The Generate digest command returns the digest key of a BLOB or text after application of an encryption algorithm.
In 4D, the following algorithms are available: MD5 (Message Digest 5), SHA-1 (Secure Hash 1) and 4D (internal algorithm). These algorithms are different hash functions:
The value returned for the same object is the same on all the platforms (Mac/Windows, 32 or 64 bits). The calculation is performed based on the representation in UTF-8 of the text passed in the parameter.
Note: If you use the command with an empty text/BLOB, it does not return void but returns the following value: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" (MD5) or "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" (SHA-1).
Pass a Text or BLOB field or variable in the param parameter. The Generate digest function returns the digest key as a string.
In the algorithm parameter, pass a value designating which hash function to use. Use one of the following constants, found in the theme:
Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
4D digest | Longint | 2 | Internal algorithm of 4D. Used by 4D to encrypt user passwords. This algorithm is particularly useful in the context of the On 4D Mobile Authentication database method when you want to use your own list of users. |
MD5 digest | Longint | 0 | Message Digest 5 algorithm. A series of 128 bits returned as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters. |
SHA1 digest | Longint | 1 | Secure Hash 1 algorithm. A series of 160 bits returned as a string of 40 hexadecimal characters. |
If the calculation of the digest key is not performed correctly, the function generates an error that you can intercept using the ON ERR CALL command and the function returns an empty string.
This example compares two documents using the MD5 algorithm:
PLATFORM PROPERTIES($Platf;$Syst;$vlMachine)
// Open the first document as read-only
$vhDocRef1:=Open document("";"*";Read Mode))
If(OK=1) // If a document is selected
DOCUMENT TO BLOB(Document;$FirstBlob) // Load document
If($Platf=Mac OS)
DOCUMENT TO BLOB(Document;$FirstBlobRF;*)
// Under Mac OS, load resource fork
$MD5_1RF:=Generate digest($FirstBlobRF;MD5 digest)
End if
// Open the second document as read-only
$vhDocRef2:=Open document("";"*";Read Mode))
DOCUMENT TO BLOB(Document;$SecondBlob)
If($Platf=Mac OS)
DOCUMENT TO BLOB(Document;$SecondBlobRF;*)
$MD5_2RF:=Generate digest($SecondBlobRF;MD5 digest)
If($MD5_1RF#$MD5_2RF) // Compare digests
End if
End if
$MD5_1:=Generate digest($FirstBlob;MD5 digest)
$MD5_2:=Generate digest($SecondBlob;MD5 digest)
ALERT("These two documents are different.")
End if
End if
End if
End if
End if
These examples illustrate how to retrieve the digest key of a text:
$key1:=Generate digest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";MD5 digest)
// $key1 is "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0"
$key2:=Generate digest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";SHA1 digest)
// $key2 is "408d94384216f890ff7a0c3528e8bed1e0b01621"
This example only accepts the "admin" user with the password "123" that does not match a 4D user:
//On REST Authentication database method
//$1: user
//$2: password
//$3: digest mode
$0:=($2=Generate digest("123";4D digest))
End if
End if
Product: 4D
Theme: Tools
Created: 4D v13
Modified: 4D v14
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)