4D v16.3

Current form table


4D v16.3
Current form table

Current form table 


Current form table -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
Function result  Pointer in Pointer to the table of the currently displayed form

The Current form table command returns the pointer to the table of the form being displayed or printed in the current process.

The function returns Nil in the following cases:

  • There is no form being displayed or printed in the current process,
  • The current form is a project form.

If there are several windows open for the current process (which means that the window opened last is the current active window), the command returns the pointer to the table of the form displayed in the active window.

If the currently displayed form is the Detail form for a subform area, you are in data entry and you double-clicked on a record or a subrecord of a double-clickable subform area. In this case, the command returns:

  • The pointer to the table shown in the subform area, if the subform displays a table.
  • A non-significant pointer, if the subform area displays a subtable.


Throughout your application, you use the following convention when displaying a record:
If the variable vsCurrentRecord is present in a form, it displays “New Record” if you are working with a new record. If you are working with the 56th record of a selection composed of 5200 records, it displays “56 of 5200”.

To do so, use the object method to create the variable vsCurrentRecord, then copy and paste it into all of your forms:

  ` vsCurrentRecord non-enterable variable object method
 Case of
    :(Form event=On Load)
       $vpParentTable:=Current form table
       $vlRecordNum:=Record number($vpParentTable->)
       Case of
             vsCurrentRecord:="New Record"
             vsCurrentRecord:="No Record"
             vsCurrentRecord:=String(Selected record number($vpParentTable->))+" of "+
             String(Records in selection($vpParentTable->))
       End case
 End case

See also 



Product: 4D
Theme: Table
Number: 627


Modified: 4D v11 SQL


4D Language Reference ( 4D v16)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.2)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v16.3)