4D Write v16WR Area properties |
4D Write v16
WR Area properties
Constante | Tipo | Valor | Comentário |
wr allow drag | Inteiro longo | 14 | Gets or sets the drag authorization from area (0=drag not allowed, 1=drag allowed) |
wr allow drop | Inteiro longo | 15 | Gets or sets the drop authorization to area (0=drop not allowed, 1=drop allowed) |
wr allow undo | Inteiro longo | 2 | Gets or sets the buffering of actions: wr no undo (0) = actions not stored, wr undo allowed (1) = actions are stored |
wr confirm dialog | Inteiro longo | 0 | Gets or sets the display status of the confirm dialog box: wr no dialog (0), wr display dialog (1) |
wr convert by token | Inteiro longo | 12 | Gets or sets the interpretation of the field references during document conversion: wr convert by names (0), wr convert by numbers (1) |
wr convert dialog | Inteiro longo | 5 | Gets or sets the display status of the 4D Write 6.0 field conversion dialog — if area = 0: wr no dialog (0), wr display dialog (1) |
wr fixed print size | Inteiro longo | 4 | Gets or sets the variable size printing status — except if area = 0: wr var size printing status (0), wr fixed size printing status (1) |
wr load template on server | Inteiro longo | 11 | Gets or sets where to load the templates from in C/S: wr on client (0), wr on server (1) |
wr minimized button title | Inteiro longo | 6 | Gets or sets the button title when area is minimized: wr area name (0), wr custom title (1) passed in stringValue |
wr minimum height | Inteiro longo | 9 | Gets or sets the minimum area height before switching to button (value in pixels) |
wr minimum width | Inteiro longo | 8 | Gets or sets the minimum area width before switching to button (value in pixels) |
wr modified | Inteiro longo | 3 | Gets or sets the dirty bit status— except if area = 0: wr dirty bit status false (0), wr dirty bit status true (1) |
wr on the fly spellchecking | Inteiro longo | 16 | Gets or sets the spellchecking “as you type” mode activation (0=checking off, 1=checking on) |
wr save preview | Inteiro longo | 1 | Gets or sets the picture preview creation: wr no picture preview (0), wr picture preview creation (1) |
wr save template on server | Inteiro longo | 10 | Gets or sets where to save the templates in C/S: wr on client (0), wr on server (1) |
wr timer frequency | Inteiro longo | 17 | Gets or sets the frequency that the wr on timer event is generated (value=call frequency in ticks —one tick = 1/60th of a second — 3600 by default) |
wr use saved zoom value | Inteiro longo | 18 | Gets or sets the opening an area with the zoom value saved when the area was last closed: wr use default zoom (0) = 100 %, wr use saved zoom (1) |
wr window title | Inteiro longo | 7 | Gets or sets the 4D Write Window title when going to full screen or in external window (0=area name, 1=custom title passed in stringValue) |
wr zoom factor | Inteiro longo | 13 | Gets or sets the percentage of the zoom in area (value=25 to 500) |
Produto: 4D Write
Tema: Lista de temas de constantes
4D Write - Linguagem ( 4D Write v16)