4D Internet Commands v16SMTP_Send |
4D Internet Commands v16
The SMTP_Send command sends the message referenced by smtp_ID but does not clear the data from memory. smtp_ID is the long integer reference to the mail message created with the SMTP_New command. The optional sessionParam parameter sets the activation mode of the SSL protocol for the connection:
Beginning with version 13.2, 4D Internet Commands supports STARTTLS connections in explicit mode. This means that the connection is first made in standard mode and then "updated" to SSL/TLS after the authentication phase. Refer to example 2 for an illustration of this mechanism.
In this example a message is created and the static elements are defined outside the scope of the 'for' loop. Then, for each record in the [People] table, the message is customized and sent. $error:=SMTP_New($smtp_id) This example sends a test message using an Exchange server in STARTTLS: $error:=SMTP_New($smtp_id)
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Produkt: 4D Internet Commands
Erstellt: 4D Internet Commands 6.5 ARTIKELVERWENDUNG
4D Internet Commands ( 4D Internet Commands v16) |