Most of the 4D SVG component commands manipulate SVG structures via SVG_Ref type references.
An SVG_Ref is a 16-character string type expression. It uniquely identifies a SVG structure loaded in memory. This can be an SVG document loaded via theSVG_Copy, SVG_New, SVG_Open_picture or SVG_Open_file commands, or any SVG structure handled by programming (object, filter, path, etc.).
An SVG_Ref is an XML reference. All SVG_Ref references can be used as elementRef parameters for the 4D XML DOM commands.
Once you no longer need it, remember to call the SVG_CLEAR command with the SVG_Ref reference in order to free up memory.
Unless otherwise mentioned, optional number arguments are ignored if their value is equal to -1 and text arguments are ignored if an empty string is passed.
Unless otherwise mentioned, the position (x, y) and size (width, height, radius) parameters are expected in the current user coordinate system.