4D v14SVG_Define_filter |
4D v14
The SVG_Define_filter command sets a new filter in the SVG container designated by parentSVGObject and returns its reference. If parentSVGObject is not an SVG document, an error is generated. A filter is a succession of graphic operations that will be applied to the target element. The filter element is never rendered directly; it will be applied to an object using the SVG_SET_FILTER command. The id parameter specifies the name of the marker. The name will be used to associate a filter with an object. If an element with the same name exists, it will be replaced. The optional frameX, frameY, frameWidth and frameHeight parameters set a rectangular region in the document to which this filter will be applied. The optional frameUnit parameter sets the coordinate system for the 4 previous parameters. Expected values: "userSpaceOnUse" or "objectBoundingBox" (default value). The optional filterUnit parameter sets the coordinate system for the lenths and the filter definition properties. Expected values: "userSpaceOnUse" (default value) or "objectBoundingBox". In this example, we want to perform the following operations:
$Dom_SVG:=SVG_New Result: |
Product: 4D
Created: Composant 4D SVG v11.3 SEE ALSO
4D SVG Component ( 4D v13) |